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Everything posted by DomNH

  1. Euro looks sleety too. I wonder if this is a 2-4 hour long scalping in NRN ORH County and the Monads.
  2. Looks like the HRRR likes an extended period of sleet for S NH tonight. Interested to see if the colder guidance wins out.
  3. Even the warm GFS is still pretty cold at 925 for a few hours so probably a sleety mess at minimum.
  4. NAM is pretty thumpy N of Route 2 but I don't see any other guidance that cold.
  5. Can hear it roaring aloft here but nothing much is mixing down.
  6. Pouring rain here with maybe some sleet mixed in. At least 90% rain though.
  7. Yeah that picture is definitely more than I woke up to. Actually getting some mangled flakes now.
  8. Whoever measured 1.5'' in Nashua is on crack.
  9. No mangled flakes here even under heavy echoes. Oh well...enjoy up north.
  10. Man snow just north of CON and in wrn Hillsborough. My 250’ just isn’t enough.
  11. Pouring. So close yet so far...congrats dendrite.
  12. 13F and a white Thanksgiving with a full week old pack. That is impressive.
  13. One last burst of decent snow now. Wintry day.
  14. It has snowed at pretty much the exact same intensity all day long. It may not be heavy but it sure is persistent.
  15. Yeah it has been a persistent light snow but it isn't accumulating.
  16. 93 and 101 for whatever reason. I can probably do 100 down Rt. 3 here without issue. Rarely see them.
  17. It was definitely not meant to be serious. Just referencing that it already feels like mid-winter with a pack and several days of flakes already.
  18. About 2'' here. It's kind of just sustaining itself rather than accumulating any more at this point.
  19. Going to have to hope the HRRR has the right idea with heavier echoes developing in eastern areas within the next couple hours as the low slides to our SE if we want to make a run at 3-4''.
  20. It looks like mid winter out there...coming down nicely still. Not often we have a full pack for week long stretches in November.
  21. Yeah the ensembles are really the banging the 12/2 - 12/4 period for something substantial. Shades closed until then after the next couple days.
  22. Coming down nicely now. Much more aesthetically pleasing with the oak leaves sitting on top of the old pack buried.
  23. -SN with probably about a half inch.
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