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Everything posted by SJonesWX

  1. my location under my user name says MHT, so, MHT. the highway i was referring to was I-293 in MHT.
  2. 32* with sleet, and lots of it. roads are a disaster. I was behind a pickup truck on the highway that may have been going a bit too fast, but nothing crazy. he went to change lanes and started fishtailing. I thought for sure he was going to hit the guardrail and sling across the lanes, so i braked as much as i could without skidding. somehow, the guy managed to save it. He is probably now heading to the car wash to get the shit cleaned off his front seat, then to TJ Maxx to buy clean underwear.
  3. mine dropped from 43 to 40 very quickly, but just went up to 41 lol. hope you get some snow, hoping to do some riding up there Saturday
  4. don’t you get it? if it’s not a crippling ice storm on The northern end of I-84 in CT, then it’s 50’s and dews, full pack wipe out rains to Maines
  5. I'd agree with that. MHT and ASH are southern CNE. CON is prob the middle of CNE, and Dendrite is probably the northern end of CNE-speaking only to new Hampshire part of CNE
  6. blown out to sea maybe? No internet out by the Andrea gale.
  7. Growth has gotten way better up here in the last 30 mins or so. was very grainy for the first several hours.
  8. <5". i remember being able to see the dark clouds well to my south where it was ripping snow, while it was just cirrus overhead. took hours for the snow to come north
  9. i hope his balls didn't freeze to the ice like Charlie in the movie Joe Dirt
  10. not feeling this one for up here. A couple days ago there was lots of mention of Boxing day as an analog, and if that's the case, well, I guess i will enjoy my 6"
  11. cool, so you are predicting that it is going to be warmer than normal next Weds at like 7AM.
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