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Everything posted by HimoorWx

  1. Got my second Pfizer shot this morning. A little headache, but that's it so far. Bowling night tonight, so hope I don't have any kind of reaction later.
  2. Try looking in Hyde Park and Readville. Commuter rail goes right into Northeastern. We rented in a great apartment complex while we were house hunting 12 years ago after selling our condo. Sent from my SM-T510 using Tapatalk
  3. So sorry to hear about that. Regarding the c diff, I had it last fall after being on antibiotics for an infected tooth. Not fun at all, and took nearly 3 months of treatment with vancomycin and probiotics to finally clear it up. Quite worrying for a while. Hope she improves quickly. Sent from my SM-T510 using Tapatalk
  4. I have mine on 3/16. I'll let you know which superpowers appear first!
  5. Yeah, I think the old record for Boston was 67 and they are at 74.
  6. 75 now in my backyard and at OWD. Time to leave the home office and get out for a walk.
  7. Yikes, it is 72!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Up to 66 now in the backyard and the clearing skies are just arriving. I want 70!
  9. 60F under slightly milky sunny skies and a gentle breeze. We spring forward! Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  10. I do remember how fast it disappeared. Almost as fast as April 1997.
  11. That was all shoveled, and it is a pretty long driveway. Should have gotten a snow blower then, but I thought how often are we going to see two 2' storms in a month. I can handle this! Finally bought an electric one after 2015. Should have learned my lesson earlier.
  12. Yeah, once you head south on 28 from 128, you gain elevation pretty quickly. We are at about 225'
  13. I remember it snowed most of the day in the city, but nothing was sticking the day that it started. Took the train home and got on 128 and there was a little snow in Westwood. Got off on route 28 in Randolph and everything was snow covered including the roads and we already had 3 or 4 inches. Huge difference in just a few miles.
  14. 2' of firehose paste that weighed a ton. Should have sent the pictures to Pete B.
  15. Looking forward to the day when this is mostly behind us, at least in terms of what it has been like over the last year.
  16. I ended up getting mine in Randolph and not at Gillette. Same thing, confirmation email with very little info. I think all sites are probably using the same system. Didn't know how early to show up for 1:45 appointment so got there about 1:20. Breezed thru and was on my way home at 1:43 and that included the 15 minute post shot wait. Got an email yesterday saying I would be contacted in about two weeks to set up the second shot.
  17. Pfizer or Moderna? I had my first Pfizer shot on Sunday and had minor aches and headache for about 24 hours, but nothing that kept me down. Heard the reaction can be a little more after the second shot, but does seem to vary. Just glad to be getting them!
  18. 50F and partly cloudy. Time for a lunch break walk!
  19. Agreed. I did that back in 2015, and it worked wonders. Any good ice melt product should do the trick. We used the nylons because we needed to break thru the dams on the roof as well to create some drainage. If it is just in the gutters, you can probably put ice melt/sodium chloride directly on the ice . I think we did that too, but I'm sure someone will let us know if that is a bad idea. Also chipped a lot away, but you have to be careful not to damage the gutters, the shingles, and your elbow.
  20. Rain and 38 with a light southerly wind. The pack is turning to slush.
  21. Up to 40 now with some occasional breaks in the clouds.
  22. I'm about a mile southeast of Ponky at 225" elevation. Going up and down those hills on Canton street you can sometimes a difference in snow from top to bottom. Are you over near York Road?
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