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Everything posted by buckeyefan1

  1. There were a couple that did that. There was also the one who made two accounts..... 1300m and I forget who his split personality was
  2. Troll for a living? Imagine that You also know where the delete button is and don't let the door kick ya on the way out
  3. It's a slider.....This is the last time I will be this nice. Read more and post less.
  4. So you didn't pay any attention to the soundings that were posted? Or re quoted to ask questions? Especially the last NAM sounding posted showing 12 hrs of snow falling at about an inch an hour. I asked you to read, not skim. People having a difference of opinion, doesn't mean they are bashing. If you would like to discuss something other than the title of this thread, please take it to banter.
  5. I'm not either of those fellas, but here ya go https://www.spc.noaa.gov/exper/sref/srefplumes/
  6. If you go back and read the last few pages, you will have your answer
  7. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 *insert buddha emoji here*
  8. I bet you are! The NAM sure is consistent and shows no signs of caving. Could the NAM make it two in a row?
  9. I'm not sure of the location, but would guess that it's close to Durham maybe, but that is a very long duration snow storm
  10. Which puts his area with downsloping and he gets slotted. What is good for some, will also be bad for others. Consider the area where others are posting before replying to individual backyard statements.
  11. I’m within an hour of much higher elevation I’m pretty sure I’d travel to have a little winter fun if I had to.
  12. Even if a transfer occurs, I still expect to see a flizzard before we get slotted. It even has the possibility of being beautiful snowy slop all day with nothing accumulating, and I'll be watching it fall. #winning I'll pout later if none of this happens
  13. I'll be happy just to see a flizzard again and I'd be ecstatic to have enough to sled down the hill
  14. That's because it will rain for the next two days before the main event arrives
  15. It gives GSP about .50 in sleet and a couple inches of snow. I don't mind sleet, it makes the sled go faster
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