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Everything posted by buckeyefan1

  1. It gives GSP about .50 in sleet too Not sure why it says snow....ugh
  2. It starts snowing in N Ga/Upstate SC at hour 60 and there are still flurries flying at hour 78. At the end of the run, eastern NC is still getting hammered
  3. What on earth are you two talking about? It's a large sprawling 1047 high dropping in a pretty spot. If you are going to disagree with what is being shown, please show us your reasoning after you look at the wind direction as the system arrives.
  4. The bolded should answer your question People can cherry pick anything to come up with an answer they want to see. Just because someone can post a map, doesn't mean they know how to read one. That was horrible I'll never understand why any driver would block going into a turn like that. Let them pass and sling shot as you exit.....I yelled the same thing when Sr hit the wall......sigh......I really hope he's okay.
  5. It was 44.8 and 58.3 here and we had a much later start(11ish), but still managed to accumulate an inch
  6. You can look here GFS and see the latest run. He's right. The pattern isn't bad, but we're heading into March so it would take something special to get some wintertime magic #itsnotoveruntilitsover
  7. GSP EDIT: Sleet was about the same as the snow, but picture won't post....sigh
  8. OMG yes! That has to be the best looking slider I have seen on paper It's been awhile since everyone was NAM'd
  9. Oh you silly NAM It's a 2 for 1 and everyone wins
  10. The building I'm in is not allowing me to have a good look at the maps, but it seems as if you are correct on the temps, and the dp appears to be lower also. I thought I had seen a little stronger "wedge" signature starting at hr 48 too?
  11. Welcome nwohweather Enjoy your stay in the Charleston area!
  12. Best storm ever for mby I knew whatever fell would be snow, it was just a matter of how much would fall. Ratios were off the chart. There wasn't much precip with it being around .30ish and it all melted by the afternoon, but it was awesome while it lasted. This reminds me a little of that Feb day in '14, only a much larger area is in play. If anything, this has been fun to watch unfold and those who were throwing in the towel a few days ago should learn from this
  13. It's a slider. That's what sliders do. Without blocking, it's what we have to work with. EDIT: A slider gave mby the most snow I've ever had here......almost 9" of white gold
  14. I'm not judging I'll be riding the NAM too because that's the only chance I have
  15. It either needs to stick around as the cold air works in, or delay it a couple hours for those of us in the western areas without a lot of elevation
  16. After scolding myself for even considering the NAM in lala land, I absolutely agree that it looks pretty darn good. I can’t bring myself to dismiss it because it’s handled this fast flow pretty well in the short range.
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