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Everything posted by snowstormcanuck

  1. Subforum wars. Good to know some things never change. lol
  2. I think your average person correlates the harshness of a winter with snowcover and cold. I'll get a lot of raised eyebrows in April when I drop my "actually, it was a snowy than normal winter" into conversations.
  3. Up to almost 30" on the season. Aside from November, not much of a winter for cold or snowcover, but you can't complain so far about total snowfall.
  4. Probably close to 4" here. Just shoveled the driveway and already re-covered. Based on radar, finishing in the 5-7" range seems pretty much a lock. Nice little mini-storm.
  5. Coming down at 1"/hr right now. I was going to take the under on the forecasted 6", but we could make a run.
  6. Interesting. I know it's an arid climate, which is rare for the Caribbean. Not expecting much rain.
  7. LMAO, you haven't changed one bit. You know we're at ~22" for the season, which either at or slightly above normal? Going to Aruba tomorrow for a week; enjoy this nonsense.
  8. Impressive, guys. Can't say I'm too disappointed on being whiffed to the SW. My tolerance for accum. snow after I've already mowed the lawn for the first time is next to nil.
  9. In my initial post I gave this winter a B+/A- grade. I think I'll be more precise and go with a B+. Just too much down time to get into A territory, with basically late Nov through mid Jan, and March on out snowless. Still, surprisingly, given the down time, a very enjoyable winter.
  10. Grade your winter here. Personally, B+/A-. It was just a good old fashioned winter. Always going to get a thaw/down period, so December/early January didn't really bother me. I just stepped away from it all. And, before you know it, winter arrives like gangbusters. 42" fell between January 18 and March 4, including a 13" storm on January 29 . Not anything historic like what's going on in the Western Lakes, but still a lovely dose of snow. I think, 20 years ago, I would have graded this winter harsher. But, contextually, given how this P.O.S. decade has gone, it was a blessing to experience. Grade doesn't change if I don't see another flake the rest of the way out.
  11. That is a lot of snow for one month for a non-belt locale.
  12. I wouldn't concede anything yet, though I'm not hugely optimistic. All it would take is for the northern stream wave over the Canadian Prairies to be a little quicker (which is what the GFS was showing about 48 hours ago), less phasing, and you get a bowling ball storm instead with snow/mixed precip.
  13. Just another snowy winter, or spring I guess, day here. Little upper level twist is going to drop maybe 2 or 3". Watching huge parachutes tumbling down with a mug of hot chocolate. Living the dream.
  14. lol, I was going to ask the same thing. Maybe he's a warminista.
  15. A couple of threats deeper in the mid-range look more interesting that this one. Blocky pattern going into March, which will help fight the spring tendency for things to cut.
  16. Oh yeah, in Detroit, 2013-14 is a once in a lifetime occurrence. 90 some odd inches right? Talk about everything that could go right, going right. Book is still being written on 2018-19 with March and April still ahead. Who knows, you might still pull out an above normal snowfall winter. Edit: right in your sig. 96.2"
  17. Best winter of this decade in my books, even with the dead patch from the end of November through mid January. You can make an argument for 2013-14, which was no doubt a good winter, but also very frustrating when you're on the sidelines of a *historic* winter taking place just to your SW. And actually, if we can scrape together 3", we'll have more snow this winter than we did in 2013-14 anyways. If you like cold and consistent snow-cover though, 13-14 wins.
  18. Very fluffy. 20/25::1 type stuff. Car is buried but three swipes with brush and it's all gone. lol.
  19. Snow winding down. Looks like a storm total around 7-7.5", we'll see when the official number comes out. Quick hitting but intense little storm.
  20. Multiple reports of 8-9" on the east side of Toronto. Not quite as much here, probably a hair under 6", but still a lovely wintry day
  21. Closing in on 5" here and pouring. LES band is shifting south through the city again. Yeah, 6-8" totals look like a clinch, maybe a touch more if the synoptic doesn't wind down too quickly.
  22. Even the lighter snow is still big flaked, and accumulating relatively efficiently.
  23. Sounds about right. It was probably dropping 2"/hr rates. Now we're back to run of the mill -SN here in the west end but that band is stalled out on the Scarborough/Pickering line. Candidate for our jackpot zone.
  24. So much for concerns about shear. Lake band is ripping.
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