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Everything posted by CarlislePaWx

  1. Boy, what an unexpected snow show! 25 minutes of snow with almost 20 mins continuous heavy and large flakes! It's winding down now and the sky is brightening. Temp bottomed out at 32.7. Mulch was maybe about 50% covered in white. No official measurement other than a trace. But still...I had no idea this was even possible. I thought tomorrow morning was the snow possibility. Historically speaking, this reminds me of a day in late April, 1986, in Philadelphia. I was finishing up my last month of Optometry school and was living on campus. It was around the 25th of April. It ended up snowing nearly the entire day, non-stop. It didn't accumulate during the daytime. But, after sunset it continued throughout the evening and we ended up with 2" of snow on the grass when it ended later that evening. So, it can snow in late April and accumulate. But, it's pretty rare.
  2. Started snowing here about 15 mins ago and is getting progressively heavier...quite the surprise to see. Vsby continues to drop...easily under a mile now. Temp down to 36. Edit>>2 mins later down to 35. No accum anywhere...(yet). Edit again>>5 mins later (9:23) down to 34. Waiting to see signs of white on mulch. Would love to get 0.1" to add to record books. Hasn't snowed this hard since January! lol Edit (9:26)>>Heavy snow...large flakes...temp 33.6 and mulch starting to turn white! Edit (9:31)>>Heavy snow continues. What a show out there. Temp down to 33.1. Mulch looking whiter and a few tiny spots of white on grass too. Vsby < 0.5 mi.
  3. Making progress. Still sunny. Temp up to 70.7. Just had a wind gust WSW to 33. So, it's going up.
  4. Sun shining brightly here now with large patch of blue sky overhead. Chance to try and warm back up a bit, although only 69.4, so haven't broken 70 yet. When that storm came through I had 0.03" of rain and a wind gust to 5 mph...LOL. Interestingly, the winds have now picked up substantially, out of the WSW 15 gusting to 25. Pressure holding steady at 29.40".
  5. The northern part of that severe storm (that was headed for central cumberland) is losing its severity rapidly so I'm not expecting more than some heavy rain and brief winds (for now). Looks like severe part is holding together south of me heading through Adams on towards York. Another sub-1000 pressure day here, down to 995mb. Temp 69.6 after hitting 70.0 about half hour ago (1:00pm).
  6. Rain came in just like a snow squall. Winds gusted to 28 and torrential rain with low visibility. Picked up 0.16" in less than 10 minutes. Just as fast as it came in, it left and there are breaks in the clouds. But, radar shows a second line of storms coming in about 30 minutes. That second line is probably the front since my pressure is just steady at 29.30".
  7. And once again we have dropped below 1000mb for pressure as the strong cold front approaches. As of this writing at 10:30am I'm down to 992mb or 29.29". Get ready for the winds that will flood into here following the frontal passage. It will definitely feel like early March instead of early April.
  8. @Jns2183 My wife just found the archives for the daily tables I had been looking at for my local info. This link will take you to the archived data which is all lumped together by daily report, in descending order, starting with yesterday's report. One quick peak shows that Cumberland county's first cases showed up on March 13th with 3 positive cases. Here is the link: https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/coronavirus/Pages/Archives.aspx
  9. I've looked but I can't find a site that contains all the historical data (so far). Let me know if you find something as I'd be interested also.
  10. Yeah, Giant here is one week out. Walmart had only been 1 to 2 days out, but that is starting to stretch out too. Walmart will only let you schedule out to 2 days, so you have to wait until they open up the next day which happens some time during the middle of the night. I think my wife may have to set an alarm for 3:30am to find an available delivery slot...lol.
  11. With the noon update today, all 67 counties for the first time now have at least one positive case. Yesterday's new cases was fewer than the day before. Unfortunately, with today's new total of 1,597 positive cases the slope has re-steepened as the westward penetration through the state continues. The number of deaths has increased substantially. 2 days ago there were 150, today there are 240 reported; a dramatic increase. Gov. Wolf was wearing a mask as he approached the podium to deliver an update a short time ago. I've heard that Walmart is turning its aisles into one-way only to reduce overall volume. We've been doing our shopping online at both Walmart and Giant which helps tremendously with not having to enter the stores.
  12. The stats for PA 2 days ago (on 4/2) were 7,016 positive cases and 90 deaths. 48 hours later, we're at 10,017 positive cases with 136 deaths...an increase of over 40% for both stats in just 2 days! Scary. The upward slope continues to steepen with each passing day.
  13. So far for today I've recorded 0.63" of rain. I had 0.30" on Wednesday and 0.30" on Monday for a weekly total so far of 1.23". That also included a trace of snow from Wednesday. Blizz' snow map resurrecting memories of April 1982. Meteorologically, it CAN happen...but of course most likely won't...lol.
  14. It's been snowing here mixed in with the rain, on and off, for the past 2 hours. About 15 minutes ago it was pure snow coming down as my temp drops to 36.5 degrees. What a surprise! Had absolutely no snow on Monday's event. So far, 0.23" of liquid for this event. Only had 0.30" for the event on Monday.
  15. Rapid shoot up in temp here along with winds. 77.2 now after hitting 78.1 about 15 minutes ago. Sustained WSW winds 15 to 20, gusting to 25. Hard to imagine snow could be in the air early Monday morning.
  16. Reaching my high of the day now, shortly after 4:30pm at 73.4 degrees. Humidity 20%. Welcome to Phoenix. Looking at the next 7 days, the lowest forecast temp doesn't even touch 32 with 34 the lowest. Wow again.
  17. As the front / line of thunderstorms approaches it is interesting to note that our pressure has once again dropped below 1000mb, now down to 998mb. This is like the fifth or sixth time this winter we've had pressures below 1000mb. The lowest station pressure for me this winter was 28.98" or 981mb back on Feb 7th.
  18. Just catching up on everyone's seasonal snow totals. 6.3" total for me here in Carlisle. And, like @canderson also mentioned, about 1.5" of that total was sleet. Also, while everyone is headed to Florida, my wife and I are headed to Las Vegas this Wednesday to see Barry Manilow at his home hotel. Then headed back on Friday. Forecast for out there is sunshine with temps in the mid 70's. I'll take it.
  19. Peak wind gust here earlier today was 37.6 mph at 6:43am. That's the second highest gust I've recorded here since moving in back on Nov 1. Had a gust to 40 back on Jan 16.
  20. CXY again is showing 12% RH with a 59 / 6 combo. I'm 3 degrees warmer than yesterday's high of 54, currently 57.2 with 18% RH and dew point of 16. Almost no wind today makes today the clear winner in the comfort department over yesterday. It's just great to have had a string of sunny days (#4) after so so many cloudy, dreary days this winter. Edit>>One other thing I forgot to mention was my low this morning got down to 17 around 7 AM and by 10AM it was 30 degrees warmer at 47 !
  21. I'll be ridiculously bold and go with 70% / 40%. March really could end up surprising us despite this non-winter season thus far. I've been amazed at the low relative humidities as discussed above by @MAG5035 this afternoon. Typically you see combos of 50's with dew points in the single digits or teens in April, not February. CXY has been at 12% the past few hours with a 54/2 combo. I'm currently at 53 with 15% and a dew point of 6. Crazy! But, today has been 100% sunshine and yesterday was close to that too. A bit breezy so the warmth is tempered just a bit.
  22. That one is easy for me to remember. I got 2" from it (north Jersey)...and it was just 2 days after my 20th birthday. You'll have a harder time remembering further back....but before this one became the earliest snowfall for me, October 18th, 1972 I also got about 2" of snow. I was in 8th grade. I vividly remember all of the Maple trees which were in full color, totally smothered in snow and drooping down low. As for April 6, 1982, that was a Tuesday. The day before it was sunny and in the upper 40's. It took an incredibly anomalous deep trough to produce that storm. The thicknesses were down around 510dm, which is insane for April. That's what was able to keep temps in the 20's with sun on Wednesday. I also got 9" out of that one. I dropped to 16 degrees overnight going into the 7th. Central Park broke 2 record lows for both the 6th and 7th when the temp before and after midnight reached 21 degrees there. Great stuff indeed!
  23. Tonight might? beat my coldest of this season if the winds stay totally calm and skies remain clear. Current lowest this season so far is 11.8 degrees at 07:12 on January 9th. Then, less than 48 hours later I hit my warmest of the season/year of 68.0 at 23:38 on January 11th. Currently, shortly after midnight I'm at 18.1 with a dew point of 5.8 so there is definitely enough dryness in the air to get down to below 11.8. We'll see.
  24. I've got you and Bubbler beat on this one. My father bought a motor home in 1969 when I was 10 years old. My grandparents (mothers' side) had just retired from NJ to Boca Raton (FL). So, each winter vacation we would drive down to Boca. I-95 was barely under it's early days of construction and so the main highway through the North Carolina / South Carolina corridor was US 301. That's the highway that South of the Border was located on. I absolutely loved all the billboards that kept leading up to getting closer and closer. You guys probably would remember one of my favorites which was the "Pedro never sleeps" which had a motorized sheep that kept going around in circles above Pedro's reclined head. By around 1976 or 77 the construction of I-95 was nearing completion throughout that region and I'm sure it was then that South of the Border began to take a real fiscal hit. Another favorite landmark of mine from that area were the Piggly-Wiggly supermarkets. How I laughed at that name and the crazy other names of towns, etc, which I'm pretty sure were inspired by native American's many years before. Ever hear of the tiny town of Coosawatchie, South Carolina? There's a river by that name running around that area of southern South Carolina. Lots' of great memories from the bygone era of the 70's in that part of the world.
  25. Earlier this morning I read my weekly newsletter put out by Larry Cosgrove (former NYC TV Met, now an energy markets met in Houston, Tx). Hate to disappoint all but his long range forecast all but says winter is over. The Euro weeklies and monthlies show nothing but above normal for almost the entire country every month from now through August! For those who follow Enso, we've spent most of this winter in positive-neutral territory. That would typically be a pretty good spot to be in if all the other indices weren't running against us. Well, the Enso models are pretty emphatically showing a steady decline towards neutral by April and then continuing down right into a moderate La Nina by summertime...lasting right into next fall. Unfortunately, for those of us who dislike hot, humid summers the news is not good. The stronger the LaNina, the hotter the summer. So while we've been fortunate to have a string of only mild summers over the past few years it's looking like this upcoming one could be a real roaster. I wish I had better news, but I just wanted to share his opinions for the long range. He's usually quite good at piecing together the analog years and coming up with decent long range forecasts. Of course, none of this means we can't still have a snowstorm over the next 6 weeks, but we could just as easily be looking at a sub-12" snowfall winter season (MDT-area) when all is said and done.
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