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Everything posted by gravitylover

  1. I can tell you why it wasn't the best winter for me The definitive statements thing has really gotten old. It's beautiful outside this morning. Gonna go play in the woods because the wife and I are heading down to Fire Island for the weekend, first time we're getting out without the kids since my little health scare 8 months ago. Looks like it's going to be a bit cooler than you'd like for a beach weekend but that's infinitely better than too hot.
  2. I want to open the windows to refresh the air in the house! Changing the filter in the blower for the AC wasn't sufficient. I'm looking forward to some nice air to get outside and do some stuff. That line of storms west of us is no joke. It looks like the I81 corridor just got slapped. I wonder what's left in it when it gets to us.
  3. Maybe a little questionable later but it feels nice out there now and it looks like the next few days are just about perfect.
  4. I haven't been getting much but it has kept things moist for a few days now. A bit of rain just before dark then a slow foggy start and things are looking mighty lush. The ground is good and firm but the flora has responded nicely. I went for a walk around the local golf course and it was crazy humid until boom, t-storm. Home which is only a few minutes away it's been dry so far.
  5. It never ceases to impress me how dramatic the difference in the sensible weather can be over such short distances. I think we notice it most in the winter but it's actually more significant in the warm seasons.
  6. Looks like we get a couple of decent (but humid and sticky) hours ahead of the potential this afternoon. I'm heading out to take advantage of it now.
  7. Yeah I might have to pull the mower out again too. Not due to how much but at what time of day it fell. Between the last two evening showers that happened just before dark everything stayed wet overnight and started growing again. I'm not sure if I like it or not...
  8. I just had a very heavy shower, it's lighter now and making a great sunshower kind of thing. I was up a few miles from Lake George earlier today and it's SO dry up there. From the rain last night it's wet and moist from me up to about mid Columbia County then it dries out big time.
  9. Like I said, didn't get much but, it came at the right time of day and got to soak in overnight so everything got well watered. It's really dry up here at Lake George.
  10. It was firing rapidly here and I was on the southern fringe. I got some nickel sized hail but only for about 2 minutes and it was still more rain than hail. First I've seen it here in a few years though so that was nice. If you went south of me into Somers there wouldn't have been any other than what was blowing in from the north. All in all a good storm, great wind, heavy rain and hail but it was over as quickly as it started. I'll clean up the downed branches tomorrow and look forward to the next one. After a month or so without significant rain it was nice that it was a solid t-storm but it would have been better if it rained more.
  11. I got whacked but was really just on the fringe. The wind was for real, branches down all over but I don't think I got more than a tenth or two of rain.
  12. Yo @DRVTS are you getting smoked up there or what? Radar looks like your backyard is getting pummeled.
  13. BOOM BANG FLASH ZAP good storm happening just a few feet to my north. It's really banging away out there. I'm just getting fringe rains and outflow boundaries so far. edit: Woah there's the heavy rain.
  14. ^^ Bump that thing out for a few more days. The wife and I are spending the weekend on Fire Island without our kids next weekend, first we've done without since my heart attack last December, so cool is ok but wet is no good.
  15. Got wet enough that things were still wet this morning but not enough to not water the garden this morning.
  16. I don't want to say I've gotten used to it but I kind of have. I'd really rather it wasn't so high though but if it isn't going to rain often the plants need this moisture to do their thing so we sacrifice.
  17. Dry until noon down here where I am? That front is taking its sweet time moving E.
  18. Driving around the area today I saw temps as high as 98 on the east side of Danbury to as low as 91 in more well forested areas, generally it was 93/94. Looks like it just rained over there by KDXR but it has been dry so far here 13 miles west of that station. I know Forky said when we hit the convective temp we fill in but what are the chances of that happening at this point? I see the line of storms out to the west making slow progress this way, will that be the trigger?
  19. So what are the chances of storms popping this afternoon? I want to go out for a ride but don't feel like getting caught in the woods in the rain.
  20. I was on Fire Island on Friday and didn't notice anything too terrible. I don't know if it has picked up since, I hope not as we're thinking Montauk on Thursday.
  21. Boy the weather was all over the map around the region yesterday. I drove through a couple of heavy sunshowers with rainbows galore, saw some amazing outflow boundaries whipping the trees into a frenzy and a few huge t-storm towers that had to have reached 40k at least. The drive down Rt 22 along and between the Taconics and Berkshires was super pleasant (other than the sluggish traffic that ran 15-20mph below the limit for 60 miles).
  22. Nah that's bound to not work out I'm appreciating a bit of dryness after a year and a half of wet. I was on Fire Island yesterday and didn't see anything but now that you've said that I'm going to have to head down to the beach more often to see what I can see. My wife and kids want to head out to Montauk on Thursday so maybe...
  23. That was some great thunder and heavy rain when the storms came through.
  24. We popped to 91 muggy degrees here under full sun before the rain moved in. It has been just drizzle so far but it's awfully dark out there for 3:30 in the afternoon.
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