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Everything posted by gravitylover

  1. I hope they're right. I'd sure like to see a nice day on Friday. I need to be in central PA for a mt bike festival and it's all day outside.
  2. Doesn't matter, the drenching already happened here.
  3. It sux when you run out of home heating oil when it's in the 30's at night in May and have to run out and get 5 gallons of diesel to get by. I'm going to need to get another 5 today too so we don't freeze tonight. This weather really needs to break for the season. Really...
  4. A friend posted what looks like about 5" in southern VT this afternoon in her yard at ~1500 feet, it looks like quite a bit more higher up.
  5. What are you talking about? 22 out of 30 days in April it rained and I've only had one complete 24 hour period this month without some precip. Everything is soggy and moldy, trees are flopping over on hillsides because it's so wet, the overflow dams on the Croton River system haven't stopped running yet this month and only for a couple of hours here and there in April. I've been emptying the dehumidifier in my basement 2 or 3 times a day for the last 6 weeks and the bugs are HUGE already. You haven't been any more wet than we have here.
  6. I just went through a couple of local stations on WU and apparently I've only had 1 day this month with no recorded precip. A few days were only a few hundredths but still... 46* wet and windy on 5/12. I guess it's better than in the higher spots in the Catskills https://www.plattekill.com/webcams/ Yuck.
  7. You don't like snow in the winter and you don't like rain the rest of the year. Time to head for the desert buddy. We just had 2 1/2 nice(ish) days, yesterday was wonderful.
  8. Yeah I just had to drive over to Ridgefield (CT) to pick up my father in law for Mothers Day dinner. Road conditions are pretty rotten, traffic through Danbury and into NY to I684 is really bad. Good thing I know all the back roads. Did it start raining before midnight? I'm curious because it adds another rain day for the month. If it did I've only had two days so far this month that it didn't rain at some point in the day.
  9. ^^ Wow. I know that it's snowing pretty far south in NH too from a friends FB post a little while ago. Radar looks like the heaviest rain is along I90 so that heaviest south of Long Island forecast is a fail. I hope the p&c for this week is wrong, as of now it looks like Wednesday might be the only good day. We need a good tropical storm to blow up this stupid WAR and change things up.
  10. Not too hot but yeah, warm and dry for a few weeks at a time would be nice. Snowless? No we need the water so spring through fall can be dry but none of that heavy wet stuff and no more ice storms. Those 5 weeks of sleet and ice this past winter sucked.
  11. ^^ Yep I had to mow again today and just did it a few days ago. With absolutely no effort on my part it's really filling in nicely. Not much grass but there's a lot of green stuff so I'm good with it. The back yard still looks like sh*t after losing 7 trees this winter. I have HUGE piles of brush from the crowns, it's piled up ten feet deep in one corner and 3-4 feet deep along a fair bit of the back edge (about 75 feet long) and 15 feet out from the fence. I think it's time to dump some of the old mower gas and have a rainy day brush burn soon so I can make room for more. What a beautiful day today was. Who do I call to order a few more of these?
  12. Yes but if it doesn't rain it can't wash the pollen out of the air and your allergies will blossom into an uncomfortable mess. You'd also run out of the stuff that comes out of those hoses.
  13. Keep that front form reaching the area until after midnight so we can break the consecutive days streak. It also makes me wonder if the warmer minimums will be enough to keep the above average temp streak intact. Cooler max's would have to be significantly so for it to change that up.
  14. I got a bunch of rain here, 5 miles south got nothing but from central Westchester down it was very wet.
  15. Yeah I tried a couple of times but it never lasts for this property either. I gave up a few years ago and never looked back. It really annoys me that some sections grow and some don't no matter what I do so I don't bother doing anything now other than running a mower over over it occasionally when it gets to looking really ratty or a neighbor complains about it. Weeds are green and old leaves on the ground don't look that terrible. How weird was it not having any rain yesterday? Too bad we won't get a second dry day in a row.
  16. Don't be ashamed be proud that you didn't spend so much time making it happen and you got out and rode your bike or hiked or went to a great local brewery or... I look at "nice" lawns and all I can think is 'man, the amount of time and effort you put into that... '
  17. The sun has been in and out but it really has been just mostly cloudy here and the temp popped to over 70* anyway. It's actually uncomfortable.
  18. Yeah the rain isn't adding up worth a squat but everything is wet. I haven't mowed yet and it's getting so thick the mower is going to struggle. I hate those times when you have to cut it twice, once on high and the second pass lower and still need to do it again 3 or so day later to clean it up. I really want to just xeriscape the whole damned property and be done with the hassle of green stuff other than in a garden. It was nice for the bulk of the day in the Capitol District today. It was even sunny for a few hours It was weird, 70* and I needed sunglasses.
  19. We're getting screwed out of mud reduction season this year Usually as the trees leaf out and the undergrowth comes up the surface soil moisture drops and the forest (and my yard) become more accessible but the frequent rain and lack of bright sunny days after a wet winter have squashed that opportunity. The mosquitoes are also worse than last year at this same time because of that and all of the standing water.
  20. Yeah this having the heat running at the end of April thing is no good. I want to light a fire but just recently cleaned out the fireplace and don't feel like doing it again so soon.
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