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Everything posted by stormy

  1. It will take 5 - 10 inches of rain over a slow period of 3 - 5 weeks to remove this drought condition.
  2. I agree completely, we usually have more generous precipitation during an El Nino in winter because of a more active stj. But, Jan. of 96 which was very wet averaged -0.9c. Go figure
  3. "Not great" is 20/20. Most of Virginia and Maryland has been in an abnormally dry pattern since early September. There is nothing apocalyptic about this as some seem to believe I have been insinuating. Perhaps, my approach to this fact was incorrect. If so, I am sorry. This pattern has resulted in much of Virginia now being classified as being in a moderate drought. This is not minor and it is not major. But, it has serious implications if it persists much longer and it almost certainly is a factor in our low snowfall for many locations. Last winter I was also in an abnormally dry pattern and received only 4 inches of snow compared to a normal 24 inches. This dry pattern broke in April and I received normal to above normal rainfall through the summer until another dry pattern began in September and persists. During January of 1996, I received 33 inches of snow during an abnormally wet month that witnessed 9.36 inches of qp compared to a normal 2.95". Normal to above normal snowfall often correlates to normal to above normal precipitation. The reverse is also true. I convert snowfall to qp at a 10/1 ratio unless my 13 inch freeze resistant rain gage indicates otherwise. This pattern will break and when it does, we may swing to above normal precipitation as Mother Nature tends to balance. Normals are only averages of extremes. The question is will it break in February, March or April. Our late winter snowfall is probably contingent on the answer.
  4. We are not in a low level drought. We are in a moderate approaching serious drought. This is the worst precipitation deficit anytime during the past 40 years for January in Virginia. This is the TOPIC. Can you understand this?? We argue and thrash about snow. Snow doesn't fall copiously during a drought. Who cares about snow?? We need precipitation.
  5. Thank you my friend!!!!! You live in the real world instead of dwelling in fantasy!!!
  6. Cobalt! I was beginning to worry about you! You are struggling but piped in. A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall?? 45% of normal rainfall last 4 months. 6.17 compared to 13.81". You should be smart enough to recognize a serious problem for northern Virginia if this continues and recognize a connection to the disappointment of this winters snowfall threats.
  7. The overwhelming reality is that we are in a drought. Droughts can occur winter or summer. They always break at some point. I believe that we are overdue a break. Will it occur late next week or occur later in January or February??? Late next week is an opportune time. The GFS struggles.

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