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Everything posted by Brian5671

  1. always a wildcard, but historically March gets tough especially with nickel and dime events which need to occur at night etc....
  2. You'll use it eventually. (and be thankful the next 8 inch wet snowstorm!)
  3. I haven't used a snow shovel or snow blower yet (I let the 11/15 event melt) and the others too minimal to bother-the rain washed the 1/20 event away in mere hours...
  4. Even he is running out of ammo at this point....
  5. I joked in November "wouldn't that be something if the 11/15 storm was the biggest of the season"? Not joking anymore...
  6. I bailed a couple of weeks ago when the MJO went back to the crappy phases and it was evident there was going to be little to no Atlantic help....
  7. Depends on the year...I wouldn't mind an April snowstorm (like last year) if that was our only event for the year...other years I am rooting against it- 93-94-95-96, 13-14, 14-15-those years I had enough-lol
  8. The problem with alot of that guidance too is that it's a forecast...so one is making a forecast based on a forecast....
  9. That AO forecast is anything but certain. NAO has been positive all winter and PNA negative for awhile-close the shades for another 10 days or so....
  10. 2/6 marks the end of the coldest (climo) part of winter... daily temp averages begin to increase and sunlight really begins to increase and the lighter evenings become more and more noticeable....
  11. with no blocking and a fast flow, any weather pattern will be short lived the next couple of weeks...
  12. Not really. There's been 2 cold arctic shots and that's about it and even those were in and out with the lack of Atlantic blocking. The calls for sustained cold/snowy have not worked out to date. Maybe it changes, but the last month definitely did not go as planned.
  13. still waiting for it here-temps are 29-30 so should be good. Sun angle not an issue as it's 4pm (kidding)
  14. cloud deck visible here to the west now...it's coming!!!!!
  15. back in the late 90's there was a series of squalls that caused a 30-40 car pileup on I-95 near Clinton CT.
  16. One advisory level will take us to 11-12 type dud-that's why people are talking about it in the past tense. LOL. In all seriousness-the ship has sailed on any long lasting snow cover or big wintry period. Looks mainly snowless next 7-10 days as well... Hoping we can get a MECS or HECS to salvage it....
  17. Fair point, but what's gone on in the past 20 years is not typical here...
  18. let's all move to the Tug hill plateau - WHAT...Blizzard conditions. Heavy lake effect snow and dangerously cold wind chills expected. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 4 feet expected in the most persistent lake snows. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. Wind chills as low as 30 below zero expected.
  19. Completely agree-regression to the mean....
  20. I was on the Merritt pwky last night and there were trucks dropping salt with temps at 39 degrees with moderate rains....great use of tax payer funds!
  21. No one will believe LR forecasts for next year that's for sure....surprising to go from expected 100-150% of normal snowfall to perhaps 10-25% depending on whether we get anything (and the next 7-10 days does not look good)
  22. One of the most boring January's in quite some time. Even the clunkers of 01-02 and 11-12 had snow in January...
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