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Everything posted by AtlanticWx

  1. been ripping snow here since 12. got a slushy coating now which was basically what NWS expected for me, anything from here out is a bonus
  2. all snow in germantown, 34.9/33.6. i think we'll see some stickage tonight
  3. rain with snow i think? 36.1 falling pretty steadily in germantown md
  4. plateauing at 36.5. i think dynamic cooling will have to do the rest of the cooling, probably gonna see a switchover at 1 am
  5. 37 deg now, can here some sleet pellets here and there
  6. what's caused surface temps to drop so much? these areas weren't supposed to change over so quickly right
  7. 38.9 degrees now. .6 degree fall in the last 5 minutes lmao
  8. yep right near 81 rn, i think it's falling behind? not sure i kinda doubt what the mesoanalysis says though because it's snowing in so many places with "above freezing" 850s and 925s as of now
  9. Encouraging to see, especially in an anafront like this. Locally, my temperatures (44.4) are running 2-3 degrees colder than any model right now.
  10. it looks like it's snowing in whitetail now, can't tell https://www.skiwhitetail.com/the-mountain/mountain-conditions/mountain-cams.aspx
  11. yeah cuz the rates will be nice to see anyways. and judging off the heavy snow in western areas of our region rn, looks heavy enough to maybe stick if possible
  12. anyone in cumberland? apparently it's snowing on radar
  13. 48° here in Germantown. Warmer than NAM, colder than HRRR.
  14. what? observations look fine, don't know why you're freaking out over a global run 6 hours out. fwiw, 23z hrrr actually upped the ante with rates so
  15. aren't we running colder than models rn? dulles is at 48.9 rn which is colder than HRRR, RGEM, EURO, etc and only .9 degrees warmer than NAM & GFS
  16. i don't wanna jinx it but like this looks pretty nice so far
  17. can someone give a rundown for whats changed about this event since last night? heard a lot of doom and gloom and down trending but idk if it's true
  18. yep, and the 90th percentile keeps increasing lmaoo. wonder if a day of trends will be enough to send this threat into something crazy (3" for nw folks? idk, j a thought but pretty absurd)
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