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Everything posted by TimB

  1. Two posts about weather in the last 2+ years, and a bunch of posts in this thread, almost all of which are babbling about “face diapers” being “bacteria farms” and recycling the same not very good point every time. Yes, it’s possible to get sick from wearing the same mask over and over and over again, but most of us don’t, and the number of people who have gotten sick from wearing a mask dwarfs by a massive margin the number of coronavirus cases that have been prevented by masks. There’s really no arguing that point. Sure, masks are nowhere near 100% effective, but they absolutely prevent much more illness than they cause.
  2. Yes. I think people in LA probably take more precautions than people in the county where your parents live and I’m glad they’ve been lucky not to have an outbreak so far in their area but it’s just as likely there and would be just as devastating proportionally as in LA.
  3. The thing about nature is, the virus will produce the same symptoms whether the patient lives in Los Angeles, CA or Pioneer, OH. Though I’ll bet Pioneer, OH has a higher population of vulnerable people in several categories (elderly, obese, smokers, etc.). So the virus would actually carry a higher risk of severe illness or death there.
  4. I agree, but I also don’t know how much “screwing” is being done, as it would seem rare that someone would be in a country so poor as to not have access to the vaccine but still have the means to travel internationally.
  5. How many people in these poor countries do we think don’t have access to the vaccine but have the means to travel internationally? I would think it’s low. But I’m not necessarily just talking about international travel here, I’m talking about concerts, sporting events, etc.
  6. And they should be prosecuted just like anyone else with a fake ID.
  7. Not taking the bait, lol. Opinions may vary on global warming, and I can live with that, but opinions don’t vary on whether or not a person is clever, funny, or original when they sarcastically comment “global warming” every time the NWS makes a social media post about cold temperatures. Disclaimer: I do not want to turn this into a debate on climate change, but I’ll go as far as to say that I have a tremendous degree of respect for other weather enthusiasts and am absolutely certain that you could point to evidence or a basis to support your position from a scientific perspective rather than just blindly parroting what politicians say, as could I to support my position. I do not believe this is always the case with the social media commenters who make these “jokes”.
  8. I don’t know how much I favor it now (I think full capacity sporting events and concerts shouldn’t start until after more people have been vaccinated anyway), but I quite possibly favor it more after everyone has had the opportunity to get the vaccine, until the pandemic is under control and new cases are below a certain limit (I don’t know what that limit is.) Edit: yes, I know that sounds a little punitive.
  9. Truth. But at the same time, doesn’t make a person “afraid”, nor are there many valid reasons to complain about it. (For those who complain, not saying you do.)
  10. Do you ever drive or fly?
  11. PA Gov. Tom Wolf would never sign such a bill if it landed on his desk, so I’m not too worried about that. With that being said, I would say the majority of people who refuse to get the vaccine have reasons that don’t fall into the categories you mentioned, but I’ll admit I haven’t looked at that data.
  12. Yeah, and that is why Florida is held in such low regard by most Americans. It should be a business’s choice, no matter what state, not to serve unvaccinated people. Some of these people who are against refusing service to unvaccinated people are the same people saying bakeries should be allowed to refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding.
  13. How does making a personal choice to wear a mask make one “afraid”? It’s a decision.
  14. Here’s another potential scenario for why people refusing to get the vaccine, and not having some form of vaccine passports in place, affects all of us: A bunch of people refuse to get the vaccine. The virus spreads rampant through the unvaccinated population when people are allowed to gather in large groups again. The virus mutates into a form that the vaccine doesn’t protect against, and we’re back at square one. So yes, it makes me judgmental when people refuse to get the vaccine, the majority of whom are refusing it for illogical reasons.
  15. Trying to find the comment in question... is it “anti-vax sh*theads” or “I don't want people catching covid because of their own stupidity. Do you?” I find neither to be all that extreme.
  16. Tied our daily record low from 3 other years, and it doesn’t appear to have gone unnoticed by several people who were just waiting to make their unoriginal global warming “jokes” on the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook post.
  17. I’m sure there are plenty of forums where you could talk about all coronavirus, all the time. Can’t say they’d be as generally civil as a weather forum, but I’m sure they’re out there. But I do think you severely underestimate the number of people in our society who believe that only the vaccinated should be able to enjoy certain activities with no restrictions. I don’t feel I’m blindly backing the guy that has similar views to mine. Again, all I did was state that the particular view you called him out on at that moment isn’t extremist at all. I wasn’t speaking in general terms, maybe he has other views that some would call “extremist” but even if he does, that’s not what I was addressing at that time. I doubt it was unprovoked. Anyway, I’m done arguing this point. You both are entitled to your point of view, as is Stebo. My views may align more closely to his, but I’d generally prefer to be civil and open minded.
  18. You’ve been on a weather forum for 7.5 years and have 45 posts about weather and roughly 140 about coronavirus. You’re not here to discuss weather, you’re here to discuss coronavirus (which is fine, if you’re not going around calling people losers because they have a different opinion from you). But of course he’s going to be skeptical of that pattern.
  19. I understand he’s a meteorologist. But I’m almost certain that makes him even more likely to understand that most of the general populace doesn’t put posting on weather forums on the list of “things that make someone cool.”
  20. Do you really think anyone thinks posting a lot on a weather forum makes them cool? I would guess that’s a stretch for all of us. As in I don’t think any of us are deluded into thinking virtually anyone other than a meteorologist or fellow weather enthusiast would put posting on a weather forum on their list of “things that make a person cool.”
  21. 364 already?! Good lord, I’m on here too much...
  22. Hey now, don’t lump me in with the other low post count people. I only jumped in when someone called your views “extremist.”
  23. I feel validated that: 1. Someone actually knows and remembers what I’m babbling about here. and 2. There seems to be an explanation for it and not just my own suspicions. Beyond that, one daily record high was tied and one daily record warm low was broken during that stretch, both of which were far short of records for the month of September. On that basis, I’d say the NWS wouldn’t really bother with a matter so trivial. BUT, that is the warmest September monthly average on record at KPIT (69.7), though there are 10 Septembers between 1881 and 1931 with higher averages. If our temperatures were reading 2-3 degrees higher than they should have for a week, that could shave up to 0.5-0.7 degrees off the monthly average and put it behind 2015 (69.6), 2016 (69.5) and maybe even 2019 (69.1). (Side note: Good lord, have our four warmest Septembers in the KPIT era really occurred in the past 6 years?) So on the basis of that being the warmest September on record at KPIT, it might be important that the data be accurate.
  24. Completely off-topic, but I’ve thought about it ever since the event and it popped into my mind again this morning: is there a chance that the record high of 95 from 9/4/18 (and adjacent non-record days where we got to 93 and 94) is erroneous due to a bad temp sensor or something? My recollection is KPIT was consistently running several degrees higher than KAGC on every hourly observation that week, both in mornings and afternoons, etc. (we know it’s very often the other way around), both during the heat wave itself and during the rainstorm from the hurricane remnants the following weekend - it seemed to be corrected soon after that.
  25. Said I’d be happy with 1” and I’m happy with the actual official total of 0.8”. Low of 20 this morning falls just shy of the daily record of 17, but tomorrow’s record of 21 might be within reach.
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