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Everything posted by TimB

  1. Agree with that, but a massive number of people in Phoenix and Las Vegas are transplants from other, colder areas. Would those transplants have moved there if a/c didn’t exist? That was the intent of my comment.
  2. I’m also happy to report I think I have the beginnings of a cold coming on this morning, which validates this comment. I don’t think I’m advocating for masks forever, but the one thing I think should stay is the 6 feet apart in public places where it’s feasible. Not saying at sporting events or concerts or restaurants, but in checkout lines and store aisles, etc. I’ve said this before, there’s no reason to be standing halfway up someone’s ass while waiting in line, it doesn’t make the line go any faster. I’d be happy to hear a counter-argument to this one if someone has one.
  3. There were 8,916 new TB cases in this country in 2019, or about 25 per day. Pretty sure there are more than 25 covid deaths (not just cases) still being reported in the US daily, though I’ll admit I haven’t looked at the numbers recently.
  4. Part of me says it’s good that they’re not surveying, because if they were surveying it would quite possibly be because there was an incredible amount of damage or even injuries/deaths. But yes, I’d like to know what those gusts would be estimated at.
  5. No high risks to my knowledge, but 11/17/13 comes to mind as a moderate risk day. Can’t think of any others off the top of my head.
  6. I lived in a desert, non-UHI part of Arizona for a few years and was surprised that the average diurnal ranges where I lived were only about 25 in summer and 15-20 in winter.
  7. Haha never, my wife is from the Route 6 corridor. Smethport can keep their records, I’m just jealous that I don’t get to see -42 (but probably glad I’ve never seen 3 feet of rain in a day).
  8. Let’s petition the NWS to keep these records on the books, but also have an accounting of state and national records that only include populated places. No Peter Sinks, Rogers Pass, summit of Mauna Kea, Mt. Washington, Furnace Creek or any of that other garbage to contend with. We’ll let Smethport keep its low temperature and daily rainfall records, assuming people actually do live there, which I have yet to confirm. I’ve never met anyone from there, have you?
  9. NWS Pittsburgh posted about it on their social media platforms this afternoon, but no earth-shattering info or anything about a survey. https://mobile.twitter.com/NWSPittsburgh/status/1404909799096020993
  10. I believe Peter Sinks set some kind of obscene record for cold in the lower 48 in October 2019. Like -40 or more, if I’m not mistaken. (Though it also holds the #2 all-timer for the Lower 48 at -69 in February 1985 as well.)
  11. It’s been awfully nice not having a cold or the flu or anything else for the past 15 months. I like to think masks had something to do with that too.
  12. Had to go get his gun, I guess. But at that point, I’d say it unquestionably becomes premeditated first degree murder.
  13. If an employee of a business tells you to do something, regardless of the reason, you comply if you want to continue to shop at that business.
  14. If it plays out like the last heat wave and areas on the fringes of it get the pop up storms (we did well enough out here last week that we’re actually back to normal for the month for the time being), then it’s promising.
  15. Funny thing is the run with the heat wave actually has less precip. (Including a min of 0.3” for the entire run at Altoona.)
  16. I like that idea, and quite honestly about 3 of the 4 GFS runs every day have that cooler long term, so there’s more support for that.
  17. But re: the GFS, the “for entertainment purposes only” portion of the 0z run does bring a heat wave into PA.
  18. Hopefully that happens a lot this fall as well. And I don’t just mean the GFS with the heat.
  19. Well yeah that, hopefully that gets restored sooner rather than later.
  20. Was thinking about this with respect to Phoenix the other day, but I think it applies to Vegas too. I’m 100% sure neither would have exploded in population to become the large cities they are today if not for A/C.
  21. I’m wondering if the evening might actually be pretty decent once this round of storms clears our area. Kicked the humidity up a few notches again but might shape up to be a pleasant evening.
  22. The forecast discussion from NWS Las Vegas is about as strongly worded as it can get.
  23. SPC discussion implies another line develops WSW of that.
  24. Understood, and I’m really trying to dial back the negativity, but I understand that premature bust call yesterday was an egregious violation of that. Outside of that and a lesser comment I made earlier in the week, I don’t think I’ve been particularly bad since the end of our snowless March. Then again, the weather in April and May made me happy even without thunderstorms. The real test will be the next time we face adversity. Not the first time, but I hope it will be the last. I appreciate you calling me out on it, guilty as charged. I’ll work on it. TL;DR: I apologize for my negativity, but I’ll never apologize for being a severe weather fan.
  25. Sorry you lost things as a result of these storms. Not going to apologize for rooting for interesting weather, especially after an incredibly boring spring, but I can empathize with it sometimes being impractical to do so as a homeowner. I wasn’t home when the storms hit, I was out in Mars and did see a good storm with strong but non-severe winds and a lot of lightning (possibly the same storm cell as the one in question?), which as I’ve said before is enough to satisfy me. The power was back on at my house when I got home at 8:30, though it had been out at some point - not sure for how long but obviously not long. But I would guess if a tree fell on my house or I lost everything in my fridge as a result of severe weather, I would be able to return to enjoying a good strong to severe thunderstorm once I got through wrangling with the insurance company to get my house fixed or buying hundreds of dollars of groceries to restock the fridge. But I have a few questions: 1. Considering my rooting for these storms wasn’t what made them happen, is it fair to be angry at people who enjoy severe weather when you are affected by it? 2. Regular non-severe thunderstorms can also knock the power out and destroy everything in your fridge depending on what the lightning hits. Are those also off-limits to root for? There are people in this thread that like their summers hot. I’m going to go ahead and guess that this storm might have been less severe if the hot weather lovers didn’t get their overperforming high of 87 yesterday. Where do you draw the line? 3. Go read any thread about a severe weather event in the subforums on here that get them frequently. Are all of those people (and there are quite a few of them) sociopaths/monsters? Sorry for the rant, but it rubs me the wrong way when people make me second guess my enjoyment of severe weather. But the thing is, my conscience says you might be right. One more thing: I apologize 100% for my premature comment about the Allegheny County split. Clearly that didn’t even close to happen.
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