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Everything posted by Spanks45

  1. It would be nice to see the ground white again for a couple days before the January torch...Kids need to use their sleds for a bit, they are already talking about spring
  2. Looks like the 6z Euro is SE of 0z....that was quick again, still 48+ hrs to go, so we watch
  3. Nam with 8-12 inches around here....I will toss those into the Housatonic and assume it is going back to the east. Tomorrow morning looks like a perfectly timed dusting to half inch to cripple the morning commute.
  4. I know the warm up/thaw is coming, but even 10 days from now, the EURO is showing quite the push of cold coming down....I know it is the OP and all, but I have seen worse this season alone...If it is going to warm up with little snow, I want 60s, not 40s...
  5. 18z Nam throws us some sympathy flakes Sunday morning....no stickage of course
  6. Has the Euro been improving each run with regards to the closed low or was it all of a sudden on the 6z? Maybe the 6z was just a fluke and the writing is on the wall?
  7. 1-3 slushy inches around here...3-6 northern parts of the state, we all know its going north.
  8. The Euro, at least from this season so far has seemed to have a set of runs that would "bullseye" the CT region, while the GFS was raining to Vermont. The final solution always ended up a compromise of both, with a bullseye somewhere near Vermont/Mass region. With the ensemble being north of the OP currently, I totally expect this to come north and snow where it has been snowing so far this season (not central and southern portions of CT)
  9. We are actually in winter now and it has been pushing 4 days since we have been below freezing here....the mosquitoes are going to be out and about soon.
  10. The GEFS at 18z kinda showed this at the end of the run too....maybe the thaw will end up being 2 weeks instead of 4?
  11. Bring it, lets pad the stats before the massive month long January thaw begins....
  12. Kind of a run of the GFS at 18z, I'm sure the GEFS look horrible past day 10....but the OP looked nice!
  13. Thanks, same to you.I personally would love to see the long range fail completely and we are tracking snow events starting with this weekend staright through March
  14. I was adding to Tip's observations regarding the Euro in the longer range, not trying to be a Debbie...That is what the panic room is for, lol
  15. Then day 8 has 983 mb low sitting over upstate NY....
  16. After that period, we will start the wet/warm, cold/dry pattern for 10-15 days....that is when it will get really bad
  17. The earth is flat and vaccines are bad....This is still a debate despite the year 2019/2020, we should be well past those debates unless new science based facts are brought forward. I think the main issue begins when one comes off as correct despite absolutely no scientific evidence available to one's argument. Sadly the days of having a good scientific debate based on facts has come to end....
  18. I just wish everything now a days wasn't so political, especially regarding science....It would be nice if the world could come together and share data, ideas, hypotheses, etc with getting so darn upset and taking everything personal. We probably could have saved the planet by now if we did. As a scientist, it drives me nuts that we can't just use the simple 5 step scientific method without stomping out of the room because one's private donors tell them what they should believe not what the data actually shows...sorry for the banter
  19. The carousel does me in at this point....I guess I should be happy with my dusting of sleet last night, might be the last trace of anything until at least February, hopefully....
  20. we had about 2 minutes of a mix here as well, covered the deck, looked a bit large for sleet....at least 10 lightning flashes with house rattling thunder, impressive....temp is down to 35 right now
  21. Might be time for us SWesterners to head to the panic room for a while....Ugly
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