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Everything posted by Intensewind002

  1. Was really nice today early on, had a high of 64 here. Now it's foggy as hell out, visibility was from a .25 mile to maybe as low as a tenth of a mile when I was driving home from work around 7pm
  2. Hit 20F for the low this morning, so a 50 degree drop from Friday, currently 31 with a dewpoint of -5
  3. Reached 70F here today, 12 degrees warmer than yesterday and easily the highest of the year so far, but it's already dropped down to 61 since the high 2 hours ago
  4. 58F for the high so far in Lindenhurst, seabreeze doing some work
  5. 64 for the high in Lindenhurst as of now, was kind of sad when I first saw the possible end of winter coming up. But now that the warmup is here, it honestly feels great. It's nice to go out with just a T-shirt on again
  6. I just need one more storm to get to 40" and then I'm good lol
  7. Measured about 4.25" of compacted snow around 4 pm today in Lindenhurst, actual total was probably like 5 " - 5.5" right after the rippage stopped. Too bad that death band only lasted an hour. Picked up around 0.25" of sleet and a few hundredths of an inch of ice since then, so it's pretty slick out there, almost wiped out when I was going to my car before lol
  8. 27/10 for Lindenhurst, don't believe there is any precip falling yet
  9. After last night's snow event, I'm now at 25.8" of snow for February, my seasonal total is exactly 33"
  10. Final snow total here in Lindenhurst was 1.75" , nothing too bad plus it's all melted now, but it's always fun to go for a walk at 3 am in the light snow when there's no one else out. On a side note my street was plowed more during this event than the February 1st snowstorm lol
  11. Hi guys, wanted to post this yesterday but totally forgot, question for my fellow SW Suffolk members. My original snowpack was down to an average 4" this morning, but it was up to an average of 12.7" after the storm when I checked. Therefore that would give me a total of 8.7" of snow from this event, might that be a little too high? I figured I might have accidently undermeasured my original snowpack if it is actually a little too much
  12. Temperature went from 40 at 9:00 to 33 as of 10:30 here in Lindenhurst, which is pretty cool to see (no pun intended lol). Snowing at a pretty good rate too, sadly I can't upload my pics though
  13. Monday night, sleet was decently coming down for a time around between 6pm - 8pm when i was shoveling, it definitely stung pretty bad with the wind so I'm sure it was sleet and not blowing snow. After i finished there was about a half inch or so of new slush on the part of the driveway that I started out with, which I figured was the remnants of the sleet, there was snow mixed in too which probably partially make up some of that half inch, should have specified on that. By that time the snow was already pretty compacted so I don't think it was from the wind blowing it around.
  14. Forgot to post to this board, but picked up another 0.4" from the snow showers last night and tonight last night bringing my snow total in Lindenhurst to 15.3" for the whole event, including sleet it would be 15.8" of frozen precip. Could be off a little since there was a lot of drifts as well as low spots, but it was definitely at least within the 12-16" range
  15. Finished this event with 15.4" of snow in Lindenhurst, 90% of which fell between 9 AM - 1PM. Peak gust here was 53 mph a little bit after 7 pm. Overall this is the biggest storm for me since one of the March 2018 storms dropped 17.2".
  16. Went down to 15 this morning, wind chills were probably in below zero
  17. Yep. Lights have been flickering a bit here, even saw some power flashes in the distance
  18. I had some white rain in Lindenhurst, no accumulation. 0.04" of liquid. Only 0.8" of snow this January
  19. I'm always gonna remember the December 2010 blizzard fondly, I was only 10 years old at the time but it was a big stepping stone in my love for the weather and snow. One of the biggest reasons why it ignited my interest is because the BDB was my first time measuring snowfall totals. I don't remember exactly what I got but it was somewhere around 15-20" (the total in my signature is more of an average of what the surrounding area around Lindenhurst got according to the final PNS for the storm). It may have also been my first time ever going sledding too, until recently (for obvious reasons) I'd gone sledding in every big storm since then. Almost forgot the last reason, we had a weird Christmas Break schedule that year and we were supposed to go back to school for three days that week (Mon/Tues/Wed) before getting off again for New Year's. Instead they just cancelled all 3 days because of the blizzard lol. Despite that last part the Boxing Day Blizzard was the first time I truly feel I was in it for the storm itself rather than the snow-days, and while it wasn't even a top 5 event for me during my life (kinda crazy writing that, I really was blessed to get to grow up in the last 2 decades) It'll always be one of my favorites Tldr: My feelings on BDB:
  20. The warmest i recorded in lindenhurst was ~59.5, which also coincided with the peak winds
  21. Wind has died down quite a bit here but my highest gust was 54 mph at around 4:00, damage seems minimal around here except a couple shingles that blew off the roof. Doesn't look like any power outages in my neighborhood
  22. Strongest winds of the night here easily, highest gust recorded is 45 mph but I last checked around an 40 minutes ago. It's probably higher now. Current temperature is ~58.5 here. Rainfall total at .13".
  23. Wind is coming in waves, 5 minutes it sounds really windy outside, the next five it's pretty calm. Highest gust I've recorded so far is 44 mph now, but overall a majority of gusts have been in the low 30s in the past 2 hours. We'll see what happens when the rain moves through, only picked up a trace today so far
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