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About Intensewind002

  • Birthday 02/29/2000

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Lindenhurst, NY

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  1. Going to see Twisters tonight, should be fun. Im probably the only weather enthusiast never to have seen the original too haha
  2. No rain yesterday and so far only 0.02” today in Lindenhurst :/
  3. 86/78 here currently, heat index of 98
  4. 82/78 right now, still no 90s yet this year. Yesterday was my peak for july so far with a high of 88
  5. Was 87/77 here earlier with a heat index of 99, down to 85/77, so not necessarily much better. Wildly enough I have zero 90s this summer, max has only been 89
  6. Delta was only a Cat 2 when it came ashore, it did make it up to 105-110 kt cat 3 again though if I remember correctly, but it unraveled a bit before landfall
  7. Holy shit, mammatus clouds!!!
  8. As is tradition
  9. Yeah kinda, I have a sister who is ten years younger than me and it seems like it’s more of a high school thing to actually talk like that. I mean some of my friends will use it in an ironic way though as a joke lol
  10. Maybe lmao, half the older gen zs dont even know it
  11. Damn I thought I was the youngest person on here too lol. I’m 24 but I always assume everyone is at least a decade older than me
  12. Maxxed out at 90 here in Lindenhurst, I believe that’s my first 90 of the year
  13. They actually have a Subway there
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