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Everything posted by Intensewind002

  1. I wasn’t alive then but my dad says it’s the worst since the 70s when he was a kid
  2. I can’t believe the crappy 2018-19 winter had some of the lowest maxes of the past couple decades
  3. Finish with about 7-7.5” or so here. Not a bad storm, thankfully i was off today so I was able to stay up all night lol
  4. Yeah January 2016 was in a tier of it's own I ended up with somewhere between 24-30" in that one but it was nearly impossible to measure with all the drifting
  5. Finally getting some flurries here in Lindenhurst, 31/15 currently. I doubt we’ll get more than a dusting at this point but expectations were low anyways
  6. I actually managed to pick up around an inch with this event, we were snowing at a moderate clip here for a good 40 minutes or so. Quite a surprise, I didn’t think I’d get more than a trace on the south shore. I really need to get some sleep though
  7. Currently 28 and clear here in Lindenhurst, windchill of 19, forecast low is 25 but I think we can get lower if clouds dont roll in
  8. Im going home to long island for Christmas break tomorrow and I’ll be dead if Albany gets 2 ft of snow within a week of me leaving
  9. I can’t wait until Christmas Eve or Day is at least 55 degrees if not warmer once again
  10. Went down to 29 back home last night, I’m guessing that was the coldest of the season so far but I haven’t been keeping track
  11. Finally got below freezing in Lindenhurst after a few mornings of 34 for the low. Went down to about 31 this morning
  12. I hit 35 for the low back at home this morning, so no first freeze there yet.
  13. I’m feeling flexed on by all the people posting aurora images on wxtwitter today
  14. We went down to 30 here in Albany, but it was pretty cold back home on long island too with a low of 36 imby
  15. I've seen worse named storms than 94L right now, I guess it must still have frontal features or something
  16. I personally don’t buy it because Im a weenie and that is literally when I’ll be going back to school after being home for a month+ so I refuse to accept an outcome I don’t like
  17. Final total for me was 2.73” we’ve been in a bit of a rain hole in SW Suffolk for all the big rain events this year so my yearly total is probably half that of places in nyc and nj. Hopefully this doesn’t translate to winter again (we got dry slotted in both the dec 2020 and feb 2021 snowstorms too). Highest wind gusts were only in the 30-35 mph range it looks like for western LI
  18. I recorded a gust to 69 mph in Lindenhurst on my weather station, of course it helped that it was right on the bay since that's where my aunt and uncle lived at the time but around the same time KFRG reported a gust to 78. I was basing it off that kfrg report but I agree, it was more realistically in the 50s and 60s for the most part
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