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Everything posted by Intensewind002

  1. Last time I checked I had about 7.0” of snow here, that was maybe 2 hours ago
  2. Just came in from measuring, 6.4” total snow so far. Expecting another 9-12” here, winds aren’t too bad right now. Strongest gust in the past 30 min was about 34 mph, but I did have a gust to about 44 mph around 4:00 am, and that remains the peak so far for this storm
  3. As of 2:15 AM: Nice moderate snowfall here right now, along with winds gusting to about 35 mph. 4.3” on the ground with drifts maybe twice that height
  4. Whatever model drops the most snow in my backyard is correct
  5. As long as I don’t lose power, yeah… I’ve been kind of a wind weenie since Sandy happened when I was a kid (well not that im exactly old lol). I would take snow rates over wind though any day
  6. Ok I got my ticket and I’m on my way back to LI, if I get anything less than a foot this trip wasnt worth $90
  7. Im up in albany rn for school, would it be worth it to buy a train ticket this afternoon to go back home for this storm?
  8. Out here on LI it was like 11 hours straight lol The only other ones that even came close to that was February 2017 with 7 hours and January 2018 with 8 hours
  9. We had an 18” storm only a few years ago in suffolk, march 2018. Did western Nassau get shafted in that one?
  10. Had a dusting in Lindenhurst only on the coldest parts of the grass and trees, all gone now. My expectations were low though since we rarely score on these frontal situations so I’m not exactly feeling any dissapointment
  11. Went down to 10 here this morning, slightly disappointed I didn’t hit single digits after a high of 18 that was a few degrees below forecast. Last temps were that low was Jan 31, 2019 when I went down to 2.
  12. Winds still ripping pretty good rn, I just recorded a gust to 40 mph. Temp down to 21 here
  13. The amount of trees we’ve lost around here dating back to the march 2010 noreaster to present day is pretty crazy, I remember there being much more trees in my neighborhood when i was a kid in the early 2000s
  14. Speaking of superstorms this comment made me realize it’ll be a decade since Hurricane Sandy ravaged the area this October…
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