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Everything posted by wizard021

  1. https://511nj.org/camera Turnpike at mile marker 56.6 is getting pounded right now. Cannot see and snow is covering the road which is hard to do on the turnpike.
  2. https://511nj.org/camera Traffic cams over the state , the heaviest snow is south of i-195 right now into Vineland.
  3. Im upping totals for nyc to 15 to 20 inches based on radar trends.
  4. Looks like nyc will have 15 inches of snow by 10pm . The heavy returns on radar are east of the models and going north up i95 . Pa is gona get less than we are.
  5. Its smoking 3 to 4 inch hour rates. I am seeing just that.
  6. Take a look at the lifting on the nam 00z to 03z, thats the strongest fronto I have ever seen. 3 - 4 inch hour totals for sure north of the snow - sleet line. I got a hunch it stays by Monmouth county and I might get jackpots.
  7. Tough to say due to sleet. But I am telling you NYC is gona get hit hard. 00z to 03z very intense fronto forcing at 3z. 2 to 3 inches an hour. Should start at 20z. Looks like light snow or mist, before the ccb on the backside with additional 1 to 2 inches per hour. Ending at 12z. It is now looking like Boston will also get hit hard, but not much further north. This is not getting into Maine and Nh , Albany wont see more than 6 inches.
  8. I follow the models that support my overall thinking. The people who go model to model are model casting. You develop a thinking of how it develops, then see if any model matches it. I see the low being more east due to the blocking. Plus a lack of a pna argues this wont be that ampified.
  9. We are getting slammed in our area, you guys looking good too. 12 - 18 Baltimore - Boston. DC is now 3 to 6 .
  10. I have watched HRRR change snow / rain lines within the storm timeframe. Why are we using it 36 hours out?
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