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Everything posted by Kmlwx

  1. Even the new stuff popping near Rockville and Rossmoor has mostly a northerly motion. Outflow from the NoVA storms getting ready to go over MBY.
  2. This is insane for the long duration hail production and also the slow movement of these storms. Barely making any east progress towards my area.
  3. Also looks like the boundaries if they collide will occur in eastern Montgomery and DC.
  4. That may be one of the most perfectly round outflow boundaries I've seen recently. Near perfect arc heading ESE.
  5. ProbSevere numbers are starting to come down a bit now on the LWX cell(s). May cycle back up - or pop new activity. Will be interesting to see how the next hour or so plays out - slow movers!
  6. Stuff firing locally now. Lightning strike showing up in extreme southern tip of Loudoun County.
  7. The storm just E of Luray has motion of 227/11kts based on the warning. Slow mover. Almost has a little mini supercell appearance to it on base reflectivity. ETA: Actually looking at velocity maybe that cell (and the one back NE of Waynesboro do have some weak/mid level rotation?
  8. Cell near Bergton, VA is putting down a ton of lightning based on ENTLN data.
  9. Some stuff firing back in the mountains of W VA and back towards area south of Elkins in WV.
  10. How about keeping the storm thread to the storm...and not this whole tired/old debate about the ethics of finding weather interesting. There's a banter thread, after all.
  11. https://psl.noaa.gov/psd2/coastal/satres/ghawk_dropsonde.html
  12. Pair of TEAL callsign flights (WC-130Js) heading over the Bahamas right now enroute to forward deploy for recon into Lee in the coming days.
  13. TEAL82 and TEAL83 tracking over the Bahamas right now heading to forward deploy for their recon missions during the upcoming days for Lee.
  14. Aren't the Hebert Boxes mainly for S Florida?
  15. NEXRAD data from the NWS is free for all. No licensing. However, the data feeds that NWS provides to apps like Radarscope are often just data - it's up to Radarscope or each individual provider to do color tables, and which products to offer. At the heart of it - Level 2 data, for example is just zeroes and ones until somebody makes it pretty. Probably not a 100% 1:1 solution for what you're looking for but there may be a lesser known site around that could do something similar.
  16. A more intense storm is more likely to be pulled poleward and thus out to sea versus a weaker one. This is why some storms that have had significant trouble organizing have ended up unexpectedly going into the Caribbean instead of on an E coast threatening trajectory or ots.
  17. Gotta make sure Idalia knew his intentions!
  18. If you are just looking for basic radar - use the NWS LWX site and it is on there. Though you won't have a lot of options for different product types. Radarscope is best-in-class for mobile and if you are a higher end enthusiast you could also get GR2 or GR3 products on PC. NEXRAD is not a term specific to Wunderground - it's just what WSR-88D was referred to (is?)
  19. I don't think anybody said "unreasonable" It's simply too early to start making calls like "110mph into Tampa"
  20. Fauquier County appears to be the place to be if you want rain right now.
  21. Little boundary visible on the TIAD radar moving south between the IAD radar and the LWX radar. A few isolated showers popping up as well in Northern Virginia.
  22. It's soupy, at least...72 dewpoint here but 76 degrees for the air temp.
  23. Most guidance seems to have some isolated showers/storms this afternoon...but much of the guidance for the metro area is pretty weak sauce. Not expecting anything major. Might get a rogue warning or two I guess.
  24. Interesting boundary collision happened near Travilah it looks like. Didn't result in anything thus far.
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