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Everything posted by purduewx80

  1. We already learned in the NE that reacting to sharp rises in cases means any mask or shutdown measures are too little, too late. Now is the part where pre symptomatic or asymptomatic people are infecting their friends and families. The longer we keep making these mistakes, the longer it will take to get back to business “as usual”.
  2. Already seeing that trend up in AZ and TX. FL and CA will probably follow shortly.
  3. bUt DeAtHs aRe StIlL tRenDiNg DoWn
  4. Good luck with a national mask law. Public shaming/cancel culture seem to be making progress. If that won’t work, more lockdowns will do the trick.
  5. Looks like an MCV similar to the one that produced flooding near Minneapolis last night could develop with the shortwave moving in from OK/KS tonight. Not the best agreement on where things set up exactly, but some places in MO and the southern half of IL will likely post some big rainfall totals from it in the next 24-36h.
  6. The 00Z NSSL WRF almost perfectly nailed the 5-7"+ rain totals near the Twin Cities overnight. It is probably a bit overdone this afternoon, but I think it has the right idea (certainly looks better than the 12Z HRRR). Already a decent shower out there along with a growing cu field.
  7. yep. loaded gun once we get temps in the upper 80s. we'll have an outflow boundary approaching from the northwest, lake breeze, stationary front and subtropical moisture plume all in place.
  8. oh i definitely understand, but what can i say? freedom isn't free. all of what you describe is more a disruption to capitalism than anything else. it's what we have to figure out how to deal with now.
  9. I caught it back in March when I still lived in NYC, most likely from community spread. At the time, it was unclear what was going on because we weren't aware of all the symptoms people were experiencing. Never had a fever or cough. I was fortunate to not have it as bad as some, but I was still sick for almost three weeks. The most alarming symptom for me was having zero sense of smell. My boyfriend did not fare as well, but he made it out ok, too. I'm still wearing a mask when in public since we don't actually know how long immunity lasts, or if everyone even becomes immune. It feels important to normalize wearing masks in public because that is literally our best bet to get past this. It's unwise to assume you won't catch it in your small towns (which by the way are adjacent to busy interstates with restaurants and gas stations you may use, no?), especially with folks traveling more now. The only thing I fear personally is further economic collapse caused by the entirely preventable spread of this virus. I suspect we should remain concerned about our shitty healthcare system becoming overwhelmed, too.
  10. This was the entire point of my so-called "baiting". Thank you for explicitly stating it. Wear a mask. Normalize it until this is over. edit to add that opening the entire economy up now is obviously ill-advised after the recent surge in cases.
  11. Unabridged capitalism and our modern “need” for immediacy will obviously not work with everything going on. There may be some happy medium between short-sighted open-everything-now and careful, long-term planning to get us through all this, but we can’t just assume a vaccine that doesn’t exist yet or herd immunity are going to work. There’s a shit ton we still don’t know about it. I’d loooove to know how many of the people in favor of letting old folks die consider themselves pro-life.
  12. This thread about how masks prevent droplets from escaping during speech is wonderful. It's all hard science, easy to follow and not anecdotal. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1274036544387477504.html
  13. IL requires them in public spaces when you can’t social distance, so maybe that’s why? Most airlines are requiring them on the plane, but not sure how that works in airports since they’re a mix of federal, state/local and private property.
  14. There is literally no point in arguing with pig-headed science deniers. Let them live their fearless, ignorant lives.
  15. Nice orange sky and rainbow on the back side now as the sunset undercuts things.
  16. Always fun being in Willis during these....lights swaying and lots of creaking (as designed).
  17. KORD 270011Z 31020G46KT 1SM R10L/2200VP6000FT +TSRA BR BKN012CB BKN070 OVC100 22/21 A2984 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT ALQDS PRESRR FRQ LTGICCGCC OHD TS OHD MOV E P0051 T02220211 0.51" of rain in 11 minutes, too.
  18. indeed. radar showing a quick 2-3" of rain incoming too.
  19. Nice sounding out of DVN at 20Z. Cap near 800mb and steep lapse rates in the mid-levels. The SPC algorithm suggests if that stays the same, the convective trigger temp is 90F.
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