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Everything posted by snowgeek

  1. I guess this looks pretty reasonable. I’ll take my 3-4” and run. It can be tough to forecast how far west the downsloping effects go. Sometimes it stays east of the Hudson, sometimes it goes pretty far west to the base of the Helderbergs. Often it’s less significant when the cold air dome is underestimated and the East winds goes over there to of the dome. Looks like fun times in Buffalo! I’m going to attempt to drive to Windham tomorrow. Should be a fun drive up the Catskill escarpment. .
  2. Gotta admit. Not very confident of my forecast for Albany county. Euro make me like maybe????? .
  3. I agree. And snow growth doesn’t look great. Ratios probably will be crap. .
  4. Ahhh, yes. I always thought that the NAM’s ability to sniff out mid level warm intrusions was when there was a blocking high to the north. Hopefully your on to something. Perhaps the Euro has a clue. We hope and pray. .
  5. Epic Euro NAM battle. At least it’s fun to watch to see which one folds. They’ve both been so consistent. All about the arctic air depth and magnitude? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. Bob Turk!?!?!? He's still alive lol????? He was my go to weather forecaster when I grew up in Baltimore. I was there from 1969-1985. Loved me some Bob Turk!!!!! He seemed old when I was a kid lol, but I guess all adults seem old when your young. On another note, love the .5-2.2" precip gradient in Albany County. GFS hittin that orographic bong hard! My biggest fear in the Hudson Valley with these types of lows.
  7. Ski areas could use some more rain followed by a hard freeze to solidify their base.
  8. In conclusion: Lot's of model consensus that a big storm is a comin. A zillion model cycles to go. Many possible outcomes. Weenies are shaken, not stirred.
  9. The more energy that phases from that short wave diving out of Canada, the further west this is going. Many options depending on how these players decide to dance…….grinding like a middle school dance in the 2000’s or barely touching like the 50’s. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Navy should take over the GFS. That’ll straighten it out.. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. 1st priority is a good base builder for the ski areas. Some of us might have to sacrifice some snow at home, but sometimes ya gotta take one for the team. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. Rahhhhhchester special on the GFS. Strong downsloping signal. Dec 92 redux with better antecedent airmass? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. Looks like a trend to more wave spacing between Fri and Mon systems with the 12Z runs.
  14. Finally got to 33 here. Untreated surfaces had about 2/10” glaze. Even treated roads didn’t properly thaw till after noon. Walked the dog in yak trax. Needed them today more than I ever have. Super slippery and got worse when the top started to thaw. .
  15. Electric vehicles charged with coal power.....that's the way to go!!!!
  16. Looking at the 12Z GFS, you can see how complicated the timing of the subtropical and polar jets are going to be over the next few weeks. Lots of in phase or out of phase troughs a possibility. Could repeatedly dump snow or have weenies frustrated over what could have been. Epicosity or analcosity.
  17. My dad used to say that nuclear power was supposed to be so cheap and safe that they would be able to heat the roads in the winter lol. Doh!!!
  18. Happy Birthday Powderfreak!!!!! May your powder be deep and untracked, your runs long and your skies either snowy or blue!!!
  19. Up to 30F here with freezing rain all morning. What's weird is that there doesn't seem to be any accretion on the trees, just the ground. Big drops seem to be finding there way to ground before they freeze.
  20. Got home from work and there was 2” on the snowboard. Over performer here too!!! .
  21. Got me a sexy inch near Albany. Still pretty nice looking. Glad you guy’s over performed to the East. Over performers are the best!! .
  22. I’ve never seen as many frozen cat tracks as I have this year. Sad. Keep those edges sharp!! .
  23. Wow, that’s a crazy pic Scott. Too much snow and wind at Bachelor. They’re having trouble opening terrain. Only 9 trails open yesterday lol. They’re telling people too stay out of the trees and it’s mandatory to ski with a buddy. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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