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Everything posted by SRRTA22

  1. Well not obviously considered winter...to me , getting snow in may made it ALL worth it. Something we'll most likely (at the coast) never see again. If you were to ask me in september if id trade this winter for some may flakes..my answer? HECK YES.
  2. Legit almost want to cry. I can't believe we've seen snow in May. I didn't think it was possible in our current lifetimes. Well..It happened. Snow. In may. This has made up for the whole winter for me. Words can't describe how happy I am. Cheers, those underage grab your juice, those of age grab your beer, let us all take this moment...This is once in a lifetime
  3. This is hands down the wildest thing I've ever seen in May. 37 degrees with a wind chill of 26...Craziness! Some flakes and crazy wind gusts. Honestly at a loss for words right now.
  4. Hm. It was a rain/snow mix the last time I went out to check. Probably a heavier echo. Southern end of JC , near NJCU at the Rivet. It was accompanied by a crazy gust of wind.
  5. Lol Im good at this point. I've seen flakes in May in my lifetime. Im more than happy. Time to enjoy a cold brew. Cheers to the guys to the NW getting some accumulation.
  6. Its a rain/snow mix here in Jersey City mah dude. Flakes at the coast.
  7. You most likely will be right but hey man stop being a debbie downer and let us coastal folks hang on to some hope to see a flake in may haha
  8. No one is saying that they're expecting accumulating snow at the coast. Flakes are most certainly possible. Mixed or flurries. Which would still be awesome and historic.
  9. I made a post a few weeks ago about wondering if we would ever see any amount of snow in May in NYC and if we'd ever see it in our lifetime...Here we are few weeks later and we might see some flakes
  10. Installed my AC today. Latest that Ive installed.
  11. This is one of the most beautiful photos I've ever seen you capture and post. Thank you don, and stay healthy my friend
  12. We were under an ADV but they let it expire. The wind got crazy with the squall that passed through, but other than that it was a good decision to let it expire. Winds really calmed down after that main squall.
  13. .52 so far tonight. See what happens tomorrow with the shallow convection. SE PA got hammered
  14. Thank you rclab and Im right there in the same boat. Im 29 now, by the time I reach metsfan post count, ill be somewhere around 70...maybe older..or ashes... Always look forward to one of your posts. You bring great wit and dry humor and I love your ending... "As always"
  15. Post #1000! Finalllyyy Lol Been here since 2010. Hey weenies, Im the perfect example.. Read more, post less Learned so much from the guys here. Thank you everyone here for the crazy informative posts. Learned so much. I've been with alot of you most likely since the OG days of the early 2000s. WW, Eastern. Good ol' days. Time flies! Cheers brethren
  16. If you guys haven't already, check out "Outer Banks" on Netflix. I thought it was good.
  17. Right? It is what it is though. Happy for them. We cash in on severe this summer while they bdcf
  18. Dude Hank is awesome! That is one of the craziest, if not the craziest video Ive ever seen from him and he has ALOT of crazy videos haha. Dude is a legend.
  19. I got rain with occasional sleet mixed in
  20. There might have been triplets. There was anticyclonic rotation as well
  21. Hey atleast its not warm and nice out! Makes it feel better staying indoors
  22. Its april 21, nyc metro had a tor warning and isolated wind damage across the area. What more do you guys want? Sheesh Gusted to 43 with the squall. Current temp now is 54f @NJwx85 A+ for the Hurrrrrr
  23. Great storm. Great job by the HRRR as well.
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