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Everything posted by the_other_guy

  1. come on, there’s too many opinions, agendas and narratives floating around in between factual truth. don’t confuse the two or the arguments that are going on because of one not the other. Too many supposed experts, are making this Dec 2015 or 1997 with little factual evidence to back themselves up. that is where the arguments ensue, not over the facts
  2. Option 2. El Niños are always bad, and it’s amplified with CC
  3. that’s correct. Minnesota is in the bull’s-eye now and in 2015 we were in the bull’s-eye. I believe that blizzard in 2015-2016 that saved the season involved a lot of luck. I only say that because we really didn’t have any snow or any winter weather outside of that and a cold snap in February that lasted for a few days. I wouldn’t look for something like that to happen again this year. It would be too coincidental. Ninos are often known for their one hit wonders. The question is how big that hit will be.
  4. https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/21/weather/us-winter-temperatures-climate-change/index.html Article has some good nuggets imbedded with the fluff
  5. 22F this morning. I imagine we drop another degree or two. that would make it one of the coldest nights of the season thus far.
  6. +3 is insane? Novel I would say precip amounts insane.
  7. Almost every month is 1-3 AN. Dont know why guys expect 3 months of winter to be different than the other 9 months. Certainly not unusual
  8. It’s 34F with a stiff wind out. I just read the last several posts and I think you guys are in a disturbing echo chamber. I want to know where the grass is green and growing, where its warm, and where it doesnt feel and look like Dec 19th right now. Enjoy the cold week Gloomy Doomys. It will be rainy and 50 next week
  9. it’s gonna be quite the cold week. Just let’s have some patience.
  10. I’ve lived on the beach in Wading River since the mid 80s. Our worst damage was never summer hurricanes, but winter noreasters. The hurricanes are less frequent and tend to be weakening By the time they reach us. The winter storms are strengthening as they reach us and cause huge amounts of erosion
  11. But after you say it over and over again, whats the point? Like this is the 700th day without an inch of snow at a Mid Atlantic station. New record. Tomorrow new record too for 701. Truth is, not nearly as warm as some want to make it out to be this December. Certainly not a torch. If you end with a +2-3, January could easily be warmer in this new climate. Nothing outstanding about it at all.
  12. Just important to note that there is a lot of time before the northern fringe of the storm actually hits and that rain hours earlier than expected probably isnt an indication that: 1. the storm has arrived early 2. forecasts are wrong 3. the storm will be worse than thought It may be any of those things, but the band of rain over NJ isnt reason to call Noah yet. But as I said when I flew through it last night, there is plenty of rain and wind headed to NYC
  13. I just flew through the storm into Orlando. In terms of big storms, really not too bad. Some light turbulence. No moderate. A constant, steady, wind swept rain in Orlando currently. But nothing down here is flooded in terms of roads or airports.
  14. No one on this forum can answer that. But statistically, you should have a winter of 15-25 inches and be slightly warmer than normal.
  15. That is because you destroyed the atmosphere with your Buick in 1987. The all or nothing will gradually become mostly nothing and then nothing
  16. I’ve got to tell you it’s beautiful outside after a cold week. This reminds me of living in Daytona Beach in January. A nice way to do winter… a few cold days and then a warm-up.
  17. It is a weather forum in a season that is slowly disappearing. It is like talking about old LIRR train cars as the new models slowly roll out.
  18. Whitestone was always like that too. The LGA Heat Island killed it
  19. A LOT of people. Lets cut the BS Bluewave. I even saw Merry Torchmas. We could debate a lot of things, let’s at least stay in reality here
  20. 28F this morning. Dont look now, but…looks like that storm really pulls in a lot of cool air behind it. haha
  21. what you’re seeing is the guys that profess gospel two or three weeks out leave themselves open to being wrong. Nobody could predict the weather or the specific patterns three weeks out. It is a generalization. What you’re looking at is a December with a marginal air mass interrupted by three or four days at a time of warmth. It isn’t a torch. it isn’t 2015. You get a big storm, cold air gets pulled in, things happen. That’s why I’m not so quick to praise people for predicting things with certainty when no such certainty exists in this science
  22. Belleayre today. No snow guns on as they told me there was a Temp Inversion last night as others have posted
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