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Chicago Storm

Professional Forecaster
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Everything posted by Chicago Storm

  1. Fall 2018 was the 4th snowiest Fall on record for Chicago. Top 10 Snowiest Falls: 1. 14.8" - 1940 2. 14.5" - 1895 3. 14.3" - 1951 4. 12.7" - 2018 5. 11.2" - 2015 6. 10.8" - 1975 7. 10.2" - 1989 8. 7.6" - 1953 9. 7.5" - 1893 10. 7.1" - 1978
  2. 13th coldest November on record for Chicago. It was also the 4th snowiest November on record... Top 10 Snowiest Novembers: 1. 14.8" - 1940 2. 14.5" - 1895 3. 14.3" - 1951 4. 12.7" - 2018 5. 11.2" - 2015 6. 10.8" - 1975 7. 7.6" - 1953 8. 7.5" - 1893 9. 7.1" - 1978 10. 7.0" - 1950
  3. Had a light glaze of ice on many surfaces last night here, with a period of -FZRA.
  4. Looks like some flood potential Fri/Sat, given the rain potential/frozen ground/snow melt/snow covered sewers combo.
  5. 0.7" at ORD and here last night, with the wave/WAA.
  6. ORD had 1.20" of precip on the 25th, which broke the record precip amount for the date of 1.06", set in 1908.
  7. Finished with 9.0" here, and peak winds gusts of 45-50mph. Ended up with about a day and a half power outage. Lost power at ~2AM Sunday night, and didn't have it restored until around noon today. Tree damage is the worst I can remember from a snow or ice event here, with widespread branches/limbs/trees down across much of the area. Reminds of damage in the wake of a summer bow/MCS wind event. While not having an insanely high snow total IMBY, the snow/wind/damage combo makes this a top 5 winter storm in my books. If we could have topped 12", it probably would have ranked #1.
  8. A run into the 6-9” range still looks possible. Especially with colder air filtering in and better snows moving in again. .
  9. Lost power for a very short time during the midnight hour, and have lost it a second time running on 30min now. Was up to 5.1” as of midnight, but have added a decent amount since with heavier snows returning. Still looks like a run on 12” is in the cards. After decent winds during the evening and then a lull, winds have increased again since midnight. Numerous tree branches/limbs are down across the area, ranging in size. Came across one on a car earlier, and a neighbor has a large one down on their house and patio. ORD gusted to 51MPH about 30min ago and had 3.3” of snow as of midnight. .
  10. 4.1" here as of 9:15. It has been rip city since this area of precip moved in around 6PM. There is widespread tree damage and power outages in the area, due to the wet snow/high wind combo. Confident I end up around 12" when it ends in the morning.
  11. Numerous reports of 5-7” across the northern tier or so in the LOT CWA from that earlier initial FGEN band. That area will likely be the winner for the area in the end with the head start. .
  12. This is definitely a big dog. All of that convection over IL is wrapping up into the cold sector. Tons of TSSN from E. IA into IL now, with 3”/hr rates reported. .
  13. Not surprising to see things shift back south once again, after many of the 0z runs jumped north. It seems that almost every time before a sig system there is a model cycle right before that drastically changes, only to revert back. .
  14. Gonna go first call 8.1” for ORD. Nice shift south of some guidance with the 12z runs. Starting to get a nice consensus on a corridor of 9-15” from MO/IA up into the LOT CWA. .
  15. 1.1" at ORD and here on the 15th. 1.5" ORD and 2.5" here on the 17th.
  16. ~50dbz in the band of snow in the LOT CWA...
  17. Decent shift north of most guidance with this system now. The UKMET is the farthest NW, with accums even to cycloneville. ECMWF is the farthest SE, with a DAB only to ORD. Most guidance did shift north though, enough to put much of the metro in play for some accums now.
  18. Now that we're well past the last 80+ day on record...It's safe to mention 2018 will finish tied for the 3rd most 80+ days in a year for Chicago, with 101 such days. Most 80+ Days In A Year: 103 - 2005 102 - 2007 102 - 1953 101 - 2018 101 - 2012 101 - 1963 101 - 1944 100 - 1991 98 - 2010 98 - 1987 98 - 1955
  19. High confidence in a DAB and the first measurable snow of the season around here. .
  20. The high was indeed 88, at ORD and MDW yesterday. .
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