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Everything posted by Brasiluvsnow

  1. Bump North baby Bump North and if you care to gain some moisture and strength along the way please feel free
  2. I was hoping or to get 4 months of winter but IF we have to settle for one or 2 weeks of winter so be it BRING on this little event Friday nite we'll take it
  3. New City checking in at 10.5 right now,,,,,wish me luck heading to the airport get this = flight is scheduled to depart on time
  4. Maybe Snowlover or BXengine care to chime in but here in New City = I just measured and I am just under 9 inches with BIG flakes still coming down
  5. What did I miss ? I was a little worried about Snowy because he’s been awol so I took my truck over to his house and plowed his driveway
  6. I just looked at my local forecast from the weather channel and it says updated at 620 am and is calling for 3-5 and I already am over 4 inches,,,so I am not sure what they are looking at as I will be over 5 very soon
  7. Just woke up to this and what a site,,snowing hard and 4 inches already down in New City ,,,,,,BRING IT!
  8. Liberty some people sleep but you and I are awake,,,,,,geez I was just in my yard stacking firewood wood and getting salt out of my shed lol
  9. I guess that everyone is asleep literally at the switch,,,,,and model runs or is it now cast and radar time ?
  10. First flakes beginning to fall here in New City at 12:20 and the temp is 36
  11. Ant,This I would sign up for as NOW those darker pinks are in my neck of the woods also
  12. Im not looking for any trouble but I need those darker colors to bump a tad bit more to the North please so see what you guys can do about that ok,,,, thanks in advance
  13. Todays model runs will be telling,,,,,weenies say ENOUGH with the Southern Trend and a slight shift North is okay with us
  14. My local weather currently has me with 5 - 8 inches on Tuesday
  15. so we should not look at these models at all ? Sure they could be wrong as could any model but IF they are correct and IF this storm does bring the goods then maybe all those weenies you were handing out like peanuts might have been a mistake. Can this be a nothing burger ? Sure but as of right now the trend seems to be more southerly and snow for many on the forum rather than White rain,,,,,still time and it remains to be seen what will happen, I get it but lets track and see what the models show anyways just for shits and giggles
  16. Maybe thats what we need heading towards next winter which is LOW expectations going in and people predicting little IF any snow and then for Mother Nature to rock all our worlds and bury us with several snowstorms so that people stay humble,,,,,yeah thats the ticket
  17. You guys want to look at a storm that is a week away when the current issue / storm is just 2 days away and very much in question ?
  18. Ant getting a watch or a warning is not the same as it actually snowing,,,,could easily go to an advisory or caput,,,,,,still hoping for the best for all of us = still time
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