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Everything posted by JerseyWx

  1. Pretty amazing honestly. I wonder if this Fall will rival 2015 (in terms of average). Of course December was way AN that year.
  2. Same, we're in a dry stretch that looks to last into next week, not to mention a return of the heat for the weekend.
  3. We rarely get pure blue skies anymore. Last Fall it seemed like everyday featured clouds.
  4. Seems like the trend since 2015 may prevail to start, but will it hold through November and beyond is the question.
  5. At first I was impressed, then I realized most of them are probably just Tony lol.
  6. Mine is ice cold now after this cooler weather we've had. Hoping for a couple more times in at least.
  7. I've noticed the trees looking distressed for sure. Some, not all of course, lost their vibrant and rich green color like you mentioned. As for the sunset, well, that's always the first thing I notice (unfortunately). The decline into September is inevitable. I always accept it, but must admit, year after year I get that sad/nostalgic feeling that my favorite season is over. A lot of this hobby is preference; what kinds of things you do and don't enjoy. That's why I've learned to leave good old Anthony alone lol. I still have no tolerance for wrong information (not saying this applies to him), like when people say Summer is nearly half over a week or two after the solstice.
  8. It's amazing how cool it feels when you're used to heat and especially the high dewpoints.
  9. And you can enjoy both while we torch right through November Soon the Christmas stuff will be out too.
  10. Now the wildcard is, as it has been in the last several years especially, how much warmth will September feature? Curious to see how many 90's we can get.
  11. Very dark here and getting windy. Looks strong but I guess we'll find out soon.
  12. That sucks. After awhile I've found it's hit or miss down there. Gotta stay at least 4-5 days to ensure you get some good weather at least.
  13. Very true. Btw, you ended up with a great Summer weekend for the wedding. Have fun and congrats!
  14. Had some humidity this summer no doubt, but last was way worse. I enjoy the heat and wouldn't even want that back.
  15. It depends where you are, my lows on two nights are forecasted to be 59. Nothing crazy, but a brief break before we heat up again. Bluewave is right on the money with the "less warm" idea like Rob mentioned.
  16. I love hearing the sounds of Summer at night (and during the day including Cicadas). It goes from Peepers in the Spring to the Grey Tree Frogs and now Katydids.
  17. Heard a lot of Katydids last night.
  18. Stations in downtown Butler and Bloomingdale are all over 3 inches.
  19. Definitely see that happening here. It's been major downpour after major downpour with lots more to come.
  20. Heavy rain and thunder with this cell over northern Morris. Edit: Very loud cracks of thunder now, set off a car alarm.
  21. We had one year like that recently, chilly too. Most years we luck out though which is good.
  22. Usually at the Lotus Inn, which as you know is literally right across from the Jolly Roger. The Crest is beautiful this time of year.
  23. Over an inch here so far. Had some heavy downpours throughout the day.
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