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Everything posted by JerseyWx

  1. Every once and awhile I get them, and yeah if you miss they go behind some crack that you'll never get to.
  2. You forgot thousand leggers. They always die quickly.
  3. Definitely, air feels a lot more comfortable with the breeze.
  4. Definitely, most of our recent Fall's have become a continuation of Summer.
  5. Well you may be right, but I'd stick with the trend of recent falls having some heat. Right, and it just makes sense because the earth's tilt and rotation determine the seasons, and astronomical dates actually take that into consideration. It's not technically Summer until we hit the solstice or "longest day," rather than when our calendars turn to June.
  6. By meteorological standards, the seasons change when we flip the calendar on our wall. That's why I think the Astronomical guidelines are more realistic, but that's just me. How far we're into the season is not overly significant anyway, because just as it can remain cold right into April, we can torch straight through October and beyond.
  7. How is that? The solstice was like 2 1/2 weeks ago. We have plenty of summer left, and next week looks to be very hot.
  8. Why is it a silly post? He was referencing Gettysburg and so that's what I was responding to, no one ever said that's what we were remembering today.
  9. Great post. Sadly, most have forgotten. In fact, many do not know why they are barbecuing and watching fireworks today. Happy Fourth everyone.
  10. Exactly, that's the main reason why I like it. A lot less chaos to say the least.
  11. Best time of the year on the boards.
  12. 5 straight days of rain, an entire work week!
  13. Totally fogged in here. Can't see 300 yards to the end of the block.
  14. It seems to never end. Days and days of clouds and rain. Only 60's today and it's June 19th. Ridiculous.
  15. Yeah, very few days that were hot and humid. For the most part it's been average or below with lots of cloudy days and rain (at least here).
  16. I agree with that overall, but this year the heat has been exceptionally muted. Still no air conditioning yet, which is incredibly rare at this point (last year was early May for comparison). The thing that's been different about this year is that we get warmer periods interspersed with very cool days. Last month there were a lot of days with low high temps, and the average is deceiving because of warm mins.
  17. Very surprised the big heat has been muted this year. The southeast has certainly got it's share though.
  18. Haven't put in the air conditioners yet, and won't need them next week either. Latest they've gone in for quite awhile. Usually we get some kind of early season heat, even if it cools down afterward.
  19. I'm not so sure I'd call it pleasant or dry. I've never had water in my basement this consistently. It's been very wet, gray, and mostly cool (during the day relative to average). I've seen far nicer springs.
  20. Lol that was a disaster. The November and March storms saved this Winter from being one of the worst ever here. Spring, as has been the trend, started off slow and has been very wet. Now we jump into warmth and get severe weather. I'm sure the last couple days were welcomed by many of us nonetheless.
  21. Heavy rain with the storms that came through a little while ago. Noticeable drop in the dewpoint now, air feels a lot drier.
  22. WOW that was some insanely heavy rain. Lots of lighting and some wind too.
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