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Everything posted by snowman19

  1. IMO the GFS/GEFS end up being the most correct. They have been extremely consistent and unwavering for the last 2 days and make the most sense given the setup over SE Canada and the North Atlantic
  2. I think it’s wagons south and east from here on out, the tucked in solutions were bogus all along. You aren’t tucking in a low with a high/confluence that strong and a 50/50 vortex that powerful
  3. The Euro is way stronger with tomorrow, that’s going to help move the baroclinic zone further east, the 50/50 low and confluence look much stronger, storm is most likely going further east and south on this run.....
  4. No way in hell with this setup in the North Atlantic and SE Canada does this become a rainstorm. I don’t care what the RGEM is showing
  5. EPS/Euro are way too tucked in IMO. No way are you tucking in with a record strong 50/50 low and confluence that strong, color me skeptical. I think the GEFS/GFS are showing the most likely outcome, this is going to turn out suppressed/east
  6. We haven’t seen a setup like this since March, 2018. Given how very strong the 50/50 low and confluence are, I think the threat is east/suppressed. This may be one of the few times NYC sees more snow than the north and west suburbs. For once, I think the GFS/GEFS are onto something. I don’t buy the tucked in solutions at all. Any doubts about how strong the block was going to be are all gone, it’s no joke, there is going to one hell of a sharp cutoff to the north of NYC
  7. So far today, the Ukie is an outlier. It’s pretty weak and suppressed, unlike all the other runs we’ve seen so far
  8. That +PNA is the key. It’s the one feature to keep an eye on and why the Euro just did what it did. Should it fall apart, forget it
  9. Agree with you. The threat is cut, not suppressed IMO
  10. This is not a SWFE setup. This is like the argument that it’s “impossible” for a low to cut over deep snowcover. If a shortwave is amped enough in the wrong spot, it will cut
  11. Yep, if the high and the +PNA spike and -NAO block are all real, then it’s a snowstorm.....a major one....if not, grab the umbrella even for the north and west suburbs in the metro area...
  12. That doesn’t look like a true vortex split, the model shows something, then backs off, shows something then backs off. I hope this doesn’t turn into yet another winter of chasing phantom “vortex splits” and SSWEs from now until March....
  13. ^This. We had pretty much 2 epic winters in a row (13-14, 14-15) with Pacific cooperation (-EPO) and zero AO and NAO cooperation. Why? Because everything is moving west to east on our side of the hemisphere. When you have garbage coming in from the PAC side, you are screwed even with a good AO/NAO under a latitude of about central New England, all it’s doing is trapping the garbage coming off the Pacific....
  14. The trend toward a Modoki La Niña event continues....eastern ENSO regions (1+2, 3) continue to warm while the western regions (3.4, 4) continue to cool. The CFS is still insisting that there is going to be a secondary strong peak in region 3.4 come January.....
  15. I didn’t say it was people in here. Please don’t get defensive, take a look at the twitter hype, hence why I said “people” and the -NAO depicted is a meh east-based one. I still seriously any sustained west-based Greenland blocked -NAO, I won’t believe it until it happens, not mirages on long range modeling
  16. Yep, people are hyping a -NAO/-AO, they do you no good when you have a +EPO pumping PAC puke into Canada, all the -NAO does is capture the puke under the block....useless
  17. Agree with you 100%. He keeps using the Euro to push this story line, which was horrible with this Niña. It was the last to the party and kept insisting on barely a weak event. The CFS, which did a very good job is actually showing a secondary peak in 3.4 come January. Over the last month or so, the eastern ENSO regions have actually been warming and the western regions have been cooling.
  18. Which is concerning IMO (that the eastern 1.2 and 3 ENSO regions are warming), it’s moving west and it’s becoming more of a Modoki, regions 3.4 and 4 centered event as we go into winter, which is what a few models suggested would happen
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