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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. Lol..was just busting your chops a bit. I’ll have to give it a try :-).
  2. He’s must be eatin sourdough again...
  3. Thanks for that explanation. Great example and super easy to picture.
  4. Lmfao.. George Is James’ lil brother I’m almost positive.
  5. You haven’t hit climo where you are Miser? I Hit it here. So I’m satisfied with the winter. I said back in late October early November that if I hit normal snow for my hood, I’d be very happy. Can’t complain with a normal snow season in SNE.
  6. You could squeeze something in in the first or second week. Unless you take the modeling as gospel 10 -15 days from now, which only brings you to the first week, to week and a half.
  7. So your currently at 27” below your normal full winter season average. With 3 more days of February to go and March still. You could come close to normal, if a big one materializes sometime in early to mid March?? There’s a shot anyway...not a big shot, but it’s not out of the realm of possibility either.
  8. Ok I stand corrected on that part. Thanks. But his pitchfork comment I’m still sticking by lol.
  9. Lol...We’ll wake you up now. You said stick a pitchfork in the winter, which means no chances. You’ll probably be wrong on that one. March 2015 wasn’t all that good for you guys if I remember..wasn’t bad here, we scored a couple decent 4-6” events. March of 18 is what you want.
  10. Lol...the worst of winter is behind us, tell us something we don’t know Noyes.
  11. Lol 5 days ago it had the beginning of March a furnace.
  12. Agreed. Just razzing ya a bit. Good for you if you can do that.
  13. He’s not a true New Englander at all lol...only uses our area for what he wants. Then fleas to The warm Mid Atlantic for early spring...what a wussy. Lol.
  14. Some of you folks need to have some winter hobbies, besides model watching. Skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, Ice fishing, snowshoeing, cross country skiing etc etc. These activities will go on for most of March..regardless of whether there’s anymore snow in the forecast here or not. Get out and enjoy the snow. If need be head north when it’s gone here, and enjoy it. If you do..it’ll be April before you know it. And then you’ll only have one crap month to endure, instead of two.
  15. Measured pretty close to an inch on my truck..so I’m saying an inch here before the change over. 50” on the season.
  16. Man..glad we don’t live there. Sorry Will, couldn’t help it. Lol.
  17. It’s all over the place...changing every run. But let the fat beotch sing if that’s what she wants. I’m totally cool with it. Been a very good season here. No complaints, no regrets.
  18. Yup heavy heavies...Arooooooo!!! Pavement covered!
  19. Heavy snow here...pavement ready to cave.
  20. High end moderate here...looks beautiful.
  21. Did well in 2 out of the 3 of those events. The 97-98 season was a ratter here though. We missed the December event here in 97.
  22. Scott said nothing heavy on radar showing up lol....??
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