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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. Lol...ya I’m fine with it. In fact, that’s just great with me. Let’s get it warm/mild after whatever this is on Friday, can’t stand the late March/April raw cloudy damp BS.
  2. Nah...winters over, time for truck washing and brisket at breweries. Winter..she gone. DIT says so. So this can’t happen.
  3. Yup. Not all that uncommon in mid March though. Kevin’s Weenie is out...and he’s tugging it, but he’s in the reverse psychology mode(it’s getting very old), we all know the drill. 50 perhaps Thursday afternoon, snow late at night and Friday morning, then 48 hrs later it’s 55-60. Not all that uncommon in March.
  4. Don’t even waste your time with responding to that Troll. What a waste of a poster.
  5. Lol..not everything is a blizzard James, I mean George. Sometimes/most times actually when you get March or April snow event it’s just a nuisance event, and no blizzard.
  6. You sound like Ant in that post. Lol. But maybe it’s not dead yet..?
  7. Is the mulch covered? ya, I think it’s the last flakes we see, until late next November/December.
  8. Nah, not really Kev. But whatever. I don’t think anybody is worried. We’ll have our rainy and raw horrid April stretches for sure.
  9. Who cares. Really not any big deal at all.
  10. I’d take that. Much rather have it go from rain to snow, than vice versa. We watch.
  11. What’s easy to understand, is you’re a PIA! Period.
  12. Ya, you’re right. He doesn’t bring much to the board unfortunately. Just a spoon stirring things up. Too bad.
  13. Wow, I guess not. They spin it to their idea/view, and then say you said something that you never said.
  14. The point is, if temps are seasonable, then they are right where they should be, which means they are at normal. Not AN or BN. But normal. And normal temps for March aren’t too warm/mild..especially mid March in SNE.
  15. If they are seasonable...then they are not AN. Lol.
  16. Scooter never said cold and snowy...he said watch next week for some potential. That’s all he said. And that it doesn’t look too mild going forward after yesterday and Thursday. That’s all he said.
  17. That we just skip right over anyway.
  18. Ant called it earlier saying the Euro Op was probably to amped at this range, as it’s been all season....potentially might have been on to something?
  19. Ya, it’s gonna go to shit now! 40’s with wind and party cloudy for the next 6 weeks, we know the drill...yeah :-(. Sucks.
  20. 40’s now isn’t mild. Upper 50’s with no wind and full sun is nice/mild. But 40’s this time of year, which is climo currently, isn’t mild at all imo.
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