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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. We all cheer on the weather we like. Period. Doesn’t make one a bad person at all. But be careful of the old saying....Be careful what you wish for. Sometimes it comes back and bites ya.
  2. C’mon, you know that statement is a fishing statement. That’s his way of asking the question, is there any chance of snow?. He’s Looking for you or will to quantify it. Same ol same ol.
  3. Get up to the county and get some riding in! Got home Monday...it was superb.
  4. Ya it sure sounds like him. I said that exact thing a month ago when he first appeared here. The posts are eerily similar that’s for sure.
  5. I think he told us his age previously? I think he’s 20...
  6. No more blizzard watches however..lol.
  7. That backs up Georgie Porgie’s 24 Bun salute post about the Canadian lol...
  8. It’s happened many times before...March can bring it all, and all in a weeks time at that.
  9. I was gonna mention the mulch ...but I’ve busted him on it enough I figured lol.
  10. Mine is the 16th too lol. Dead center of the month.
  11. That thing was a rotted mess inside...wow.
  12. Roaring good out there now...exceeding my expectations. Pretty impressive at the moment.
  13. Lmao...it’s comical. You’d think at some point he’d get it...?? And hanging your hat/using the Navgem on top of it?? Wow.
  14. Ya he’s the King of weenies for sure. Holy smokes what a dreamer. He makes you look tame Ant.
  15. DC hasn’t done to well..it’s north of there going up into Jersey and PA. But ya...it’s been bad for you there this season. Feel for ya brotha. :-(
  16. Lol! Ok George. You’ll wise up eventually. Carry on.
  17. Stop with the NAVGEM...it absolutely BLOWS! You might as well look at the CRAS (but it’s been discontinued, and for a reason, just like the NAVGEM should be) for God sakes. And we’re 7-8 days out. Please Grow up George.
  18. Great post! And just like summer seems to hang on, or return mid September many times also, after a lil autumn preview early on in late August/early September. Gotta be careful not to jump the gun on both ends of the season.
  19. Lol...for what it’s worth, the overnight Euro has whatever it is for Sunday. Not Thursday. I’ll be sledding this weekend...so it should be a hit cuz I’ll be gone. Enjoy all.
  20. And we sick of hearing spring explosion on 2/26 10 days from now too...so you get the idea. Thanks!
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