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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. That looks impressive from that picture. Looks like the road is covered. Nice.
  2. Lol..I figured that much. And thanks Ginxy for the wish. :-)
  3. Yes it is. Wasn't expecting this at all.
  4. Ok cool. Enjoying it...especially when it happens unexpectedly on your birthday.
  5. Thanks Ant lol.. never looked at it like that.
  6. Steady light snow..pavement covered. Scooters wintry pattern is here and in full control since Sunday afternoon. This is the appetizer for Friday.
  7. Why do you weenie me Kevin, when I’m just posting an observation? It’s snowing and things are coated up. I don’t know how that’s weenie worthy...but whatever.
  8. At least it’s frozen...right Ant.
  9. Snowing here now lol...dusting on cars and sidewalks. Winter isn’t over...
  10. Ya...it’s gonna snow with that look depicted elevated or not. An inch..maybe two at best more than non elevated areas on the current look.
  11. Was Only 34 cold degrees here for the hi...glad you made a balmy 40, maybe you could bask in the warmth of 40 and clouds?
  12. Of course it’s all good..but gotta call em on it when they were so sure everything was spring time and flowers.
  13. Yes we did. Dewsh and DIT going down in flames for the winter is over calls. Yesterday frigid with wind. Today Raw cloudy and cold, plowable snow Thursday night/Friday. So much for the seasonably mild and snow over BS. Some Bad calls by them.
  14. We take. 5-6” is a nice lil event this time of year.
  15. That’s the way it goes in New England some years...It’s the Tenor for 20-21. Next year it’ll be a different tenor...maybe you’ll like next years better?
  16. Absolutely. What a bunch of drama about nothing.
  17. Probably not. No drought worries here. You and Dewsh can do all the worrying about droughts this spring.
  18. Like we said...nobody worried except Stein and DIT.
  19. Yup...no worries with water levels here. More meh BS. The spring rains in April and May will help quell these nellies worries.
  20. Could be heading that way....if we’re gonna do this, let’s do it right.
  21. I hear ya on the roads/vehicle issues. I’m super meticulous with my King Ranch, and can’t stand it full of salt/filth. You should see my truck after a N. Maine sledding trip...filth and salt beyond belief. I can’t get to the car wash fast enough once in town.
  22. I hear ya. So just Call in sick. Don’t feel well enough to remote teach. Problem solved.
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