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Everything posted by Maestrobjwa

  1. I never noticed either! That's nice, @stormtracker (and now I'm imagining civil rights songs played in Beethoven-style...lol Beethoven did have a few connections to musicians of African descent--one of them he almost dedicated a violin sonata to, lol)
  2. Very true...it seems kinda wonky to me. If it were to somehow work out...I wouldn't be surprised if it's not until midweek before we see a trend to a snowy solution, lol
  3. Mercy no...we cannot have both of these storms rain. Because I'm telling you...I don't trust February this year. Nobody is talking about any kind of good pattern for next month...(and ya hear more about it NOT happening). And what psu mentioned a few weeks ago (and how often we DON'T get out of this kind of base stste) And then the Isotherm posts about things not getting right until late February at the earliest...and the usual caveats about Match snow. Nope...I don't trust it. So I'm keying in on both of these...and will remain highly suspect of February.
  4. I tend to agree...the craziness of the setup certainly makes it worth keeping an eye on, imo...
  5. Yes congrats mother @mappy!! (I actually didn't realize you weren't "official" per se!)
  6. Can't say improvement...but it remains close enough to track.
  7. Euro colder at 12 on Sunday...Using 24 hour maps I can't tell what happened between 120 and 144...
  8. I think that was about where it was at 12z (except 12 hours later) before it transferred and gave west of 95 something. (Hey I asked yesterday about why rain-to-snow was more rare around here. And I was wondering about how it happened with Commutageddon!)
  9. Yeah in Baltimore City we still have not had a verified WSW event since the big blizzard (last January's storm was 4.8"...so still missed the 5-inch criteria by that much, lol)
  10. I get ya...a tad overreactive on my part I getcha...but I think I'm still intrigued because of even the slightest possibility of this awful set of variables producing something (I guess we could call it a bonafide fluke storm if that were the case, lol)
  11. @psuhoffman Now I had never suggested 2016 was a fluke...the setup was perfect. Now, as far as 2006...I was going off of what you said about the pattern being awful most of the winter, and that particular week being "the one time it got right". So I guess my definition of "fluke" in that case is just that we were lucky enough to score in the one time the pattern got right (not about HOW it snowed then) Now I didn't know it was favorable from the end of Jan 2006 on either (I hadn't inferred that from your description of it). Now about the "Hudson bay ridge" pattern you said we're in...now you said there weren't "many" HECS in our history with this pattern. Did it happen even once?
  12. Who said we had to see a positive trend at 12z, though?....Could be the next, one...or the next. Some folks talk about "steps back" 5 days out like that's the end of it. Now, does that guarantee anything? Of course not...but I'm just saying...too early right now.
  13. I think it's way too early to be living and dying by each snow map (quite frankly I think that's a futile exercise in a somewhat complicated setup like this that the models are just starting to pick up on!)
  14. Uh...dude? You do realize that the GFS had been playing Dr. No until yesterday, right, and that it was the EURO that was spitting out what the GFS is now starting to show?
  15. Now wait a minute ya can't go jumpin' ship now, man! Lol This is the Ji-storm (but I'll gladly take it over if ya don't want it )
  16. Hm...looks like we got two swings coming up, then! (that is, if we are still seeing this a few days from now). One is a knuckle ball, and the other may just be a fastball...can we homer on one or both? (But seriously, given all the uncertainty about February, I sure hope we can take advantage of at least one of these!)
  17. And now ladies and gentlemen we have a battle of two storms. In one corner, we have the totally wacky, really wonky, surprise snow 20th anniversary... @Ji storrrrrm! And in the other, ya got the fantasy land, Miller A cleeeeeean coastal... @Bob Chill storrrm!! Which will win? Will it be a draw? (as in either both snow or both bust) Showdown!! P.S. I think I'll bet imaginary money on the wonky storm! Teeam wonk! (but obviously I'll take either!)
  18. Hey, for me, I'll take it whichever day we get it...as long as we get that every 3-4 year footer, lol But if it were to happen on the weekend thing through some wonky storm creating it's own cold air? Now THAT would be even more epic, lol
  19. If that were to happen, I'd be kinda proud to say that I stayed checked in! (and mainly it's because of history, really...I mean sure, we could get our 3-4 year footer in sometime next month...but having it happen this way would be sweet, lol Does the trend continue?...)
  20. The GFS is trying to play Dr. No this time, lol (but is it a little by itself with the transfer being further north?)
  21. Now I have a couple of questions: Now, Ji mentioned the Jan 2011 storm...now I remember that one went from rain to snow. Now why is it that rain-to-snow scenarios don't happen as often around here as the opposite? And also...was 2011 a case of a storm making it's own cold air?
  22. I think Chill kinda temporarily checked out (and he said he's been busy) and psu is just taking a break from the boards in general for a couple days. I'm sure Ji's around...lol
  23. Hey, ya never know! (and I can't give up weekend either, lol)
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