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Everything posted by rclab

  1. Good morning Rob. We are fortunate that Bx and Rjay do a fine job on deleting inappropriate responses to posts. Their were so many I had to think better of. Stay well, as always …..
  2. Well done gravity and if your discovery doesn’t get Anthony dreaming than this one should. Great find gravity, as always …
  3. Good glorious afternoon. Hitman I thought my still green maple was reaping the benefits of the inner city UHI warmth. Unless the Japanese version has different metabolism. Irish I identified with your great photos and verbiage. The top one is me at 45 the bottom is me at my present 75. Not to worry the ground is never really hard. My cucuzza squash finally started producing female flowers by late September. Whatever winged fertilizer is still viable and flying has managed to get at least three of the squash developing. Sadly my dream, considering the date, of producing a baseball bat for show is nearly gone. It saddens me to look at them and realize I’m still bigger than they are. Stay well all, as always …
  4. Good afternoon Rob. Our UHI entitled maple has difficulty realizing that Nov is 3 days away. Wonderful photo and dream path for a power walk. As always ….
  5. Good evening Rob. Wonderful photo …. I was walking today and chanced to look down and saw a blue crocus. I’ve also seen yellow and white specimens that throw out a leafless bloom in mid fall. Autumn is a season of beauty and to some, one of dying. I find comfort knowing that nature will always leave a promise that the dying is only temporary. Stay well, as always …
  6. In summary ….. Have your cake, eat it too and remain constipated. Well done Rjay and thank you. As always ….
  7. Your a brave man gravity. Either that or you have access to a sub forum safe house. As always …
  8. I’m halfway through my 75th year and have never gotten it. I’ve had the pfizer series plus two boosters. I had reactions, the last one extreme, to both boosters. I’m leaning towards but still hesitant to get the 5th. I will not be in a large group meeting although power walking downtown Brooklyn or taking the subway, I might as well be. I wonder why the boosters, for some of us, lead to side effects. Oh well if I procrastinate much longer, in the absence of my lost love, my daughters will push me over the finish line. Stay well and enjoy your trip. Also I pray for H V’s rapid recovery. As always ….
  9. Good morning Anthony. Some locations, even considerably south of us benefit from elevation and/or radiational cooling. We, with our nice warm, wet, coastal ‘urban’ plain neighbor produce radiational heating. Stay well, as always ….
  10. There goes all our great sun angle posts. As always …
  11. Good morning Tip. So few words to get a point across, well done. As always …..
  12. Bravo Julian …. Poet Laureate material. As always …..
  13. Good afternoon everyone. I was just enjoying a browse through of the sub forums, when I came across Anthony and S19 doing pre cold season sparing practice in the Mid Atlantic Winter 2022-2023 thread. Beautiful day, live and enjoy. As always …
  14. forky’s next avatar? As always….
  15. Good morning Will. Take care of the feet, better that than hoof and mouth disease …. which generally does not become active until the cold season. As always ….
  16. Good morning BW. It might even be south of that with NOAA/NWS CPK 12:51 thru 04:51 showing 9 out of 17 hours with a light rain observation with only .01 accumulated. Stay well, as always …
  17. Rob you inspired me I looked and believe I have found the perfect Irish prayer for Julian. “May the leprechauns dance over your bed and bring you sweet dreams.” As always ….. (please send them to me when Julian’s done with them.)
  18. Good morning Will. I wouldn’t laugh unless the hot girl and barbecue were somehow involved. Stay well, even if not celibate. As always.
  19. Good evening Rob, Nibor, Bx, Rjay and Will. By far this string of posts have been the most entertaining hands on sensitive approach, without avoiding the meat of the subject. Unfortunately some of us are only left with the roll. As always ….
  20. An ironic juxtaposition to the emblem on his jacket. As always ….
  21. I fear many will turn their backs on such a lesson. Their faith will be in the rebuild call by the greatest of Gods, the almighty $. Stay well, as always….
  22. Good morning Liberty. I wonder when/if, on our present trajectory it will take blocking in January just to get to 0 C in the inner city. Stay well, as always …..
  23. Good morning Julien, Rob. Ref NOAA/NWS, CPK … 1.11” between 9 and 11pm. The event was relatively calm, no winds to speak of. Julien the light show was over the postage stamp. I’m going out now to clear the drains of acorns or Red Hook fruit. Stay well, as always ….
  24. Thunder and a present downpour in RedHook. As always ….
  25. Good evening Will. As long as it was only “hi”. As always …..
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