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Everything posted by mappy

  1. Ha! Definitely did not have carrot cake. Thank you!
  2. Thank you, and yes yes we do!
  3. Thank you! I wish, but it’s a night at the dance studio for me. Will have an extra cold one tomorrow while at softball
  4. Drove home through a storm, was raining so hard it was messing with my front bumper sensor. Yay to 30mph driving on a highway. Beat the storm home, pouring now, T&L. Yay birthday storm!
  5. Sweet, more ways to see how we fail! Thank you!
  6. Thank you bestie! And thanks for being older, too Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! And, yes they are! thank you!!
  7. Did see some mammatus on the backside as it went by.
  8. The first one around 7pm did, was playing softball when the gust front hit, hailed for a bit too. Second one missed me east.
  9. Nothing like this at my house, from a friend a few miles south of me
  10. Got 3 and a half innings before a storm hit. Quarter size hail
  11. Suns out and it’s humid. Guess I’m playing softball after all lol.
  12. Storm popped up just to my east, has drifted north into PA with thunder
  13. Heads up to anyone traveling 83 in the Northern Balt Co -- 83S is shutdown due to a tractor trailer fire that is under the York Road overpass. I imagine 83N is a mess, and I also imagine York Road will be closed at some point so they can inspect the overpass.
  14. nahhhh. maybe next year for the big 4-0 you can call me old. tomorrow is boring.
  15. Any opportunity to call Andy old is perfect in my book
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