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Everything posted by H2O

  1. Duh, the fact that it hasn't snowed yet, isn't snowing right now and there aren't a parade of storms all showing snow. Patterns that don't have that blow.
  2. More reason to hate the Patriots
  3. Yes. it is silly to think that making a Storm Mode thread makes weather say eff you and take snow away from us. There was an effort and desire to get things back into shape regardless of outcome.
  4. We kinda let the first event fly with no effort to rein things in due to it being an early event out of the norm. So let people have fun because it was unusual and enjoyable. I think that got people thinking that it was ok to do that again despite hitting met winter when legit snows were on the table. So now the scolding seems harsher for some because they wanted to be allowed to play all season long.
  5. Be sure to look up on Sunday and see if its there
  6. There is a hint of a SE ridge on the 96 euro
  7. There is also some person on youtube called Miranda and the way she speaks is nails on a chalkboard.
  8. Good morning @Scud !!! Love you
  9. Caps may have lost the game and Wilson but the last time they were in that barn they got the ultimate win. For forever. And that will be all that is needed. That said, Reaves is a schmuck and I hope he is punished accordingly like people say Wilson should be when he makes a dumb hit on someone. This was targeting by Reaves because Wilson is a marked man now. No one likes Wilson but everyone wants him on their team. Now i do say that I wish it was the old days when someone would have immediately dropped gloves to take on Reaves and settle that on the ice.
  10. Ok, 75 pages for a threat not even here. No official STORM MODE yet but lets start focusing posts on weather and not useless chit chat and posts that add ZERO content. mgmt
  11. Mitch convo can go into banter please
  12. Storm mode might be needed sooner than later
  13. I can’t tell if people like this happy hour run or not
  14. This is what the euro started showing if the plains vort kicker starts dropping in
  15. It would have been suppressed
  16. More like a fart in the wind
  17. You know, this could have been handled via PM. But I’m just being cranky
  18. Hey, I'm lobbying for us to get paid!!!!
  19. If it snows I say we all need to meet on the mall and hug
  20. This place has nice atmosphere at times but the kids running around throwing mashed potatoes at patrons needs to stop. The change of cooks every 6 hours is nice except when they put too much suppression on things and overcook things with rain. Waiters can be rude at times and food disappears without warning. But i understand. This place can get busy at times and the tips for the staff suck.
  21. I mentioned this back on the GFS run. If the northern plains kicker comes down once the SS gets far enough ahead it could grab it as confluence eases.
  22. Please take this as a lighthearted comment with no malice. Your post reads like a review on Yelp!
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