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Everything posted by H2O

  1. Hope the police were able to get in there and deal with it quickly, NPZ. Def sounds like a really scary situation. There must be something about Apple Blossom Mall. A number of years ago my brother and his wife were there Xmas shopping around the same time and had to call 911 as he got a sudden case of appendicitis
  2. Damn. 32? That puts me to shame. Thats Awesome. I have to wait until I'm 50 to retire per my pension plan(if I still have one in two years). Turning 48 next year(f**k) so once I can I'm rolling out while still a babe in arms. Its funny, people hear how long i've worked and they look at me and ask if i started when i was 4 years old.
  3. Yes. I'll take over from Maestro fro a bit soon.
  4. And not read your 34 page posts? Never
  5. Congrats to you as well. 25 years def was not a thought i had when I first started so its really something to note when it gets to that mark. Being so far away from the end of the road makes you just focus on the current and before you know the years of service pile up. Its been a damn good place to work as far as stability and growth. Going from lowest person on the payroll to providing for a family. Now if work would just let me chill the last couple years i have left. lol
  6. The "you've chosen to ignore X poster" option is becoming more appealing by the day.
  7. Speaking of anniversaries, 25 years today that i started my job. Ice storm of Jan 94, worked outside in the coldest wx I've ever worked that month, walked out onto the Potomac when it was frozen over in 2001, hot summers, hurricanes. Lots that i've seen and done in that time. Place I work for has been good to me. Lucky to have had this gig for this long.
  8. It looks good. Torch coming
  9. Thats because of a frozen fish truck from MI came through
  10. damn. Skins somehow played a worse team and won!!
  11. I have 3” on the nose from this rain
  12. When has the GEM been right about anything?
  13. For the rainer storm on xmas i thought reworking some holiday jingles would seem appropriate. "Here comes Sand Bags, here come Sand Bags, need those to block the flood." "Walking in a Flooded Basement Wonderland" "Silent Sump" "Baby, its Warm Outside"
  14. Its a shame i can't root for death by hoping for big snow storms this winter.
  15. The CAPE bitterness is spreading. Seeing a lot more asterisks in peoples posts with regard to how they feel about winter.
  16. there's nothing good when metfan comes into our area to tell us about how models look
  17. Thats right. You can't say they've never won. thats gone from your comebacks. Don't care how many, the Caps got one. One is enough for now. They are the current champs too.
  18. Yoda is still bitter that this was the moment the Penguins weren't able to win another cup last year
  19. Bearing Sea Rule has storm potential the week of Xmas. Way too far out to know how it will evolve but is just another signal for possible storminess. And we all love things Stormy. Daniels.
  20. I’ve seen about 10 flurries. Highlight of the day
  21. Skins are so embarrassing
  22. I’m still waiting for my baroclinic leaf snow
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