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Everything posted by H2O

  1. Had a nice 5 min snow burst and then nothing. In a typical snow hole per radar. 34/22
  2. Radar is filling in but usual areas already seeing echoes
  3. I’m afraid to go there or the giant or Safeway.
  4. All this model agreement and I’m still skeptical deep down. 34.7/19
  5. Friend in Orange seeing a few flakes now
  6. I dunno, guys. Sun is out here and my temp is almost 34. Too many cars as well
  7. Time to stop looking at models and stare at radars all day
  8. If it does snow as much as the models say everyone can thank me and my flannel snowman sheets https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/snow-partisanship-blankets-area-over-weekend/2019/01/11/36eb5f48-160d-11e9-803c-4ef28312c8b9_story.html?utm_term=.8b775b36b847
  9. I vote no one thread. Let’s not ruin things with Kansas radar obs
  10. I’ve been hooked on this DC made Green Hat gin. Add some seltzer and it’s soo good
  11. And I’m listening to Led Zeppelin
  12. I’m having a gin and tonic. I’m in too good a mood to have to go read dumb posts
  13. Why are you here? You quit winter weeks ago.
  14. sorry, I had to because i had to.
  15. sun brightness will lower snow totals.
  16. Storm is over. Shut her down. Radar looks like dookie
  17. so is everyone happy now?
  18. This sounds eerily similar to a Tenman post telling us to look at the snow in KY and baro in Syracuse, NY to know if it will snow or not
  19. Manchester Ridge gets 25:1 ratios off flurries while we beg for 8:1 off 2" liquid precip.
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