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Everything posted by H2O

  1. It’s happening. So glad VDOT brined on Tuesday.
  2. I think those that have been here a long time knew this would happen and have stayed quiet about it. It’s because my achy knee and Bunyans are more accurate than the GFSFV3EURO
  3. Quick. Let’s put storm mode back
  4. I appreciate the kind words, psu. Seeing that you've been dealing with something far worse than the stuff that happens here puts it all in perspective. I'm very glad that you are doing better and the types of illnesses that are out there are scary and no joke. Thank the snow gods that docs and nurses were able to get you back on the mend. We need those giant, massive paragraph posts about fringing more than you realize. Hang in there and get better. I speak for mappy as well that we only wish you a full recovery. What we mods do to try and keep this place enjoyable is nothing compared to the seriousness of life and health. I'm glad that this place was able to help in the healing. Makes it worth it. If i can bring one smile to someone each day I consider it a good day regardless what my day is actually like. Awkward fist bump and bro hug.
  5. Its a damn joke that good people like mappy have to take breaks because other posters act like children and ruin it for others. Grow the eff up or just leave.
  6. But the models ticked north once storm mode was removed. If we had done this sooner then we'd get snow by now. So you all have to decide. Snow cancelling storm mode or free for all with azzhole posters?
  7. Really? What clued you in? And I'll be the first to tell you aloha is hello and goodbye
  8. @WxWatcher007 said less H20 so I went away for a bit. What did i miss?
  9. Scud needs to stop posting. If not he will get a well developed timeout
  10. JFC some of you just don’t get the concept of NOT posting every thought in your head in the storm thread. Hey that rhymed
  11. Another reminder this thread is for model disco only. Post all other nonsense in Banter please
  12. Sounds good. i should just not even bother anymore since all I do is cause trouble. Less H2O the better.
  13. See, i didn't dump a bunch of posts that I normally would have because of complaints of "censorship" and now there are valid complaints of not doing enough. Fun job, ain't it?
  14. What could have saved it is the ridge axis out west. It was looking decent at 72 and then shifts east which doesn't help the SS get grabbed by the trailing vort over the plains. Its got no where to go with that look.
  15. There will never be evenly handed out moderation of posts in a storm mode thread because the people given the task of doing so will (A)miss things due to not being there 24/7 (B)have their own ideas of what is a good/bad post and what might come as a shock (C)defer to letting posts stay when they actually shouldn't. And to be totally honest, no one is above the law. I hide a ton of Ji posts at times because he will be a petulant child if snow disappears. Does he add stuff at other times? Sure. I have had my posts hidden due to not adding much so again it happens to all of us. Do I take it personally? No. It tells me I should have not posted and show better restraint next time. The common theme tho is that we all wish posters here would self censor and think before hitting submit. That doesn't happen. So then we step in and ask for restraint and then go to storm mode to help deal with it all because simply too many just don't listen. Not every thought is needed. I don't pick up a catalog for lawn equipment to see page after page of cosmetics. Do you? The ones here who do try to keep disco threads on topic are only trying to help and keep things manageable for all to enjoy. Its volunteer work on our part. Not everyone will be happy. Sorry this bothers you to the extent it does.
  16. Bad humor eludes me. Its fine tho. This might make me throw up in my mouth but you like the Caps and it keeps me from removing ALL your posts in any thread. See? Favoritism.
  17. I'll be there in my flannel pajamas. Special Xmas ones.
  18. all of them? Lets make sure you have proof ALL your posts get moderated before mouthing off. And you can always mitchnick yourself if it bothers you that much.
  19. i also accept donations of booze and offers for cuddling.
  20. I hide posts when they don't give me heart likes, trophy likes or laughy likes. You want posts to stay visible? I have a PayPal account thats low.
  21. click image to make work Sums up the storm as of right now
  22. That massive word dump was a total hedge on snow this winter
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