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Everything posted by stadiumwave

  1. You're exactly what's wrong with climate science...sensationalism at its best. You're the type that will continue to be hog wild during a strong El Nino.
  2. Wildfires are dependant on patterns. A blind fool could see this would be a bad year for fires in Alaska with the monster ridges. It's happened before, it will happen again.
  3. Yea...you would know better. I mean...you can be wrong. Experts are often wrong & you're no expert. So....
  4. 1. Is it cheaper? 2. How can we prevent it?
  5. I wouldn't call it nasty...humans can adapt to sea level rise you know
  6. And you smile like that's what you want...At least now we know your slant
  7. This is exactly what I was referring to with my post. I couldnt have explained amy better than you just did. Just like I had said, Hansen has done some good work...I would never deny that. With that said it's the things he has said in congressional testimonies & media outlets that is exaggerated, bogus alarmism at its finest that has feed denialism. Why? Because those things he says sincerely hoping to move public action through fear backfires when it doesn't happen. Most of the general public indeed does not know Hansen...but they know the headlines many of his past remarks have created. Hansen was AL Gore's prophet in much of his dribble. So, again...I applaud the sincere efforts, I just think it's has proven to be a totally wrong approach in influencing public perception.
  8. James Hansen has done more harm to climate science's public perception in the U.S. more than any other person. His exaggerated predictions throughout the years that have not come true has contributed to the high % of denialism in this country. For that reason the harm he has done heavily outways the good. And he has done some good things. Dr. Hansen is one of the reasons I've become so outspoken about cool, objective thought & language centered around climate change. When discussing concerns & dangers excited, hyped, exaggerated language (when unknown) only creates damage when there is no fruition. Remember that perception is reality to the public.
  9. http://www.reportingclimatescience.com/news-stories/article/gulf-stream-slowdown-linked-with-sudden-european-cooling.html
  10. Lay out in detail why you think this.
  11. I'm not as familiar with all the posters...so who is it?
  12. I'd be surprised if this happened over Greenland. The NAEFS 8-14 day temp probabilities are much more reliable than OP model runs. No torch detected near Greenlandhttp://collaboration.cmc.ec.gc.ca/cmc/ensemble/naefs/semaine2/images/2015061412_054@007_E1_global_I_NAEFS@TEMPERATURE_anomaly@probability@combined@week2_186.png
  13. 0z NAEFS Temp Probabilities keeping most of Greenland still in the greater chances of below normal anomalies June 21-28
  14. To be honest...predicting the hiatus is over is way premature. What happens after this El Nino in the next few years will determine whether the hiatus is over.
  15. Wonderful post!! I'm not a denier in any shape form or fashion but the exaggerated hyperbole by some with every event is just nauseating. Not much of a difference...certainly no concern with that component.
  16. I would go with the latter. Really haven't been expecting a deepening -AMO for anotherror 5-10 years. The AMO is not negative right now anyway...it's hovering around neutral. I expect this is a blip, just like the current +PDO is a blip in its long-term negative cycle similar to what happened in the 1950's....except this was a record +PDO.
  17. Saying the AOMC is failing is WAY to premature. A -AMO not "locking in" now doesnt indicate aN AMOC failure. AMO is gradual not a sudden flip of the coin...although the SST's in the N. Atlantic have cooled over the last 3 years rather quickly. But the behavior so far is very consistent to the way changes have taken place over the last 50 years of the AMO.
  18. I'm expecting it at some point, but NAEFS temp probabilities (which are excellent) showing more of the same June14-21: But well see... If this ridge develops being advertised by the Euro Ensembles then I agree: BTW...would've loved that blocking for winter....geez Of course...if it's short-lived it won't be a big deal but if that becomes more prominent then the "heat is on". Right now some guidance has it short-lived while the Euro ensembles give a weak signal for it to continue in the long-range. GEFS ensembles giving mixed signals: To me it's a toss-up. I could easily see more blocking there as an atmospheric response to the developing Nino; however, aside from that the cold anomalies in the N. Atlantic are not friendly to long-term blocking.
  19. #1 It's not a -AMO anyway....yet #2 AMOC failing???
  20. Very slow melt season. Greenland has been very cold
  21. Wow...Greenland melt us off to a slow start. I really think Greenland is heavily tied to sst's in the N Atlantic. A long-term -AMO would really put the breaks on the melt seasons there. EDIT: to clarify...I mean a slow down compared to the last decade
  22. How sensitive the earth system is? I'm glad you're enlightened enough to solve a tough issue...that of Climate sensitivity. FWIW, IPCC has lowered its take on ECS 3 times over 20 years. There is a reason they've done that. We really just do not know...but I'm glad you've solved it that climate sensitivity is VERY high.
  23. Arrogant much!! The warm temps were caused by super typhoon recurve which pumps up a super ridge. What do you expect? The brutal Alaskan winter of 2012...was it a sign of the next ice age? Should we have sounded the alarm? Again, a regional weather phenomenon of extreme proportions can happen but it doesn't necessarily mean anything other than it was darn hot.
  24. February was the 2nd coldest ever in some locations in the NE & coldest ever in others. Get his point!
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