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Florida ?

smog strangler

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Isn't that pretty much how all winters are? Florida is subtropical.


Not at all.


This part of Florida is really Georgia.


We can have sleet, freezing rain, many nights in the teens, and yes, even snow. I've seen 10º and below a few times. 2 nights ago it was 28º and we never hit 55º the next day. On many winters we can have weeks on end with nights in the mid-20's to low 30's. I can't tell you how many below 48º max days I've enjoyed here. In fact, I can only recall (without documentation to support it) maybe 5 winters in the last 30 without some form of frozen precip at some point ....


Go 75 miles south and the topography and vegetation and climate changes dramatically. The line of demarcation is absolutely amazing.


Understand your perception - but Gainesville/Lake City/Tallahassee are not Disney World nor are we tropical. Hot in the summer, yes, but then so is north if 40. We can indeed have a winter when the teleconnections line up .... Just not looking that way this year (too bad - I usually burn at least 1 to 1 1/2 cords of wood - 2 fireplaces, and with plenty stacked up it just doesn't look like it this year).

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I am a new member, just discovered this board.


SOMEONE EXPLAIN WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?? For 7+ months of the year, Florida is pure sweaty, humid hell. Then, from around October to around March (that varies) the payoff for never being able to shut off your A/C or stop sweating, is that it finally gets "nice"....meaning you get highs in the 70's, lows in the 50's (and lower to no humidity). Something more like people in a place like San Diego (where I've been lucky enough to have lived) get much of the year. You can finally open your windows & let some fresh air in, and TURN OFF THE A/C!!!


But....I am trying to figure out what is going on here this year?? It is freaking December, yet the temperatures NEVER seem to be anywhere near the normal average for the date. I have never seen a scenario like this where just to the west of here, it is freezing, yet, all we get here are a week+ of non-stop way above average highs and lows, in the 80's & upper 60's!!! I don't want to hear the usual "it's Florida"....yes, I know you can often have some 80's & much above normal temps--BUT--then it will return to "normal" or maybe even a little below normal, then eventually rising back up for a day or two above normal etc etc ....


That is NOT what is happening here!!--We are literally having NO "normal" temperature days at all! The normal high & low for today in Orlando is 74 & 54. We haven't had a low temperature that's even been in the upper 50s recently! And only SIX days where the low was at normal or below since November 1st! That is absolutely crazy. I hate it! Its not like I am saying I want it to freeze here! I am only saying what does it take to at least have what we are 'supposed" to have here this time of year? Meaning mid-low 70's highs, and lows in the 50's? Why am I having to turn on my A/C in December? Every day it is like this, is one day closer to the never ending swelter for months without a break. We have a small window of opportunity where we can have nice temps--cant we at least get that?? Just for a couple of months?


And the really weird part is that usually when its like this here, its also above normal to the north & west--not the case now! Its freezing in Texas, Louisiana....its amazing that right now none of that is eventually filtering/making its way over here!


I have been here since the late 90s so I have seen what a normal winter is like here--yes, you always get some above normal temps--but not 80's in December for like EIGHT days straight--and then when it "cools down" finally mid next week, the "bar" has been set so high, that the cool down still is several degrees above where it is supposed to be! Meaning it never even gets back to a normal pattern at all. Then it rises back up much above normal again.


No, I don't want to be in 10 degrees, or even 30. Not saying that. But its hot enough here for 85% of the year no matter what1 Cant we just get some mild 70s like it actually IS December?? I will be moving back out west in March, just in time to avoid the 7 months of hell here. But it would be awesome to not need to turn on my A/C when its December! If I were in TN, VA, NM etc etc, never ending above normal temps would make it nice instead of cold.....in Florida, all it does is make it hot instead of nice. Its gotten old already, will this trend change at all this winter???

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Wow this really sucks.....what is going on here, I don't get it, how absolutely no cooler (meaning more normal) air is filtering in here at all?? In the next 10 days, the lowest low we will eek out in Orlando is one lousy 61. Not even one day on the next 10 to even drop below 60!! The normal low temperature is around 53, yet these temps just keep rising! Wtf? And the coolest high in the next 10 days will be 75, that's it--once--when the normal is around 72. And that's with the last week way above normal (and even way before that).....


Out in Phoenix where my family is, they have had below normal temps, its been on the cold side the past week. But there, just like here, when you consider that you have most of the year to be hot, its not a big deal. Cold in Phoenix, SoCal, or Florida is still a joke compared to 90% of the country....I'd much rather be having below normal temps for a change of pace than this never ending pattern of crap never achieving the nice temps we should be having this time of year. I'm sure people in PHX are ok with it--it doesn't last forever & people realize before you know it, the hot season comes back soon enough!


I am watching football, 3 different games all in heavy snow. Yet we cant seem to get even one day here where we can open the windows & not run A/C--some normal temps--some low/mid 70s??? That's not asking too much!


Before you know it, one week runs into the next, and it'll be March, and the 7 months of humid sticky hell will be around until October. Lovely. Thankfully I am finally moving out of Orlando in March after being here for enough years to realize I am over it, back to the dry heat, and mountains where you can always go on the weekend for some cooler temps & scenery. But it would be nice to have my last winter here be a decent one. 10-15 degrees above normal is ok here & there (it happens).....but practically every freaking day since the beginning of November?? It cant be "global warming" (I'm kidding btw) because pretty much everywhere else but here is below normal!


And for those coming here on vacation from some northern spot, yeah if you came from 35 degrees, you might say 85 feels ok. But trust me, 70 or 75 would feel just as nice to you, maybe even nicer. Because if I had been in a frigid place & suddenly 3 hours later I was here, 70 would feel like 80 anyway!

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And for those coming here on vacation from some northern spot, yeah if you came from 35 degrees, you might say 85 feels ok. But trust me, 70 or 75 would feel just as nice to you, maybe even nicer. Because if I had been in a frigid place & suddenly 3 hours later I was here, 70 would feel like 80 anyway!


I think I'll pack 1 pair of capris, 1 pair of shorts and the rest will be jeans, t-shirts and a jacket. Does that sound about right? lol

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