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Richmond Metro/Hampton Roads Discussion

RIC Airport

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For last two winters,  the NAO has never gone negative for more then a day or two the  entire winter. It is frequently negative rest of the months but  for some darn reason from early December  to Mid March is always strongly positive for slightly above neutral.  Zero Blocking.  This winter is especially bad.  Guessing La Nina has  a lot to do with it. I really don’t understand the science behind it.  Now,  the only  favorable index this winter, the PNA is forecasted  to go negative and MJO entering warmer phases. Maybe  we may get lucky in mid March if pattern can flip back, -NAO blocking and MJO can cycle back around to 8-1.  Until then, it  will take absolute perfection and timing of cold fronts and coastal low positions   to give us a good snow here in RVA. Super low odds with all the vortexes flying around.  I think we have had like 6 inches total between all the storms.  North, South,  East and West of us have a foot plus. Sorry to rant. Just  a frustrating winter for us.  If this happens next winter, I will storm chase the next big snow even if I have to fly to Maine or Canada….lol 

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