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About wasnow215

  • Birthday February 19

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Glen Allen, Va

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  1. And looks like another 3-4” of rain this Wed night into Thursday.
  2. Ok NOW can we PLEASE change the name of this thread??!! No one panics when there is no expectation. So no one is panicking except MAYBE will the Commanders ever finish their 30+ year rebuilding project. Lol!
  3. I absolutely agree. And then that will get the reverse jinx thing going of course! Do it!
  4. Let’s see if GFS and Euro can get 40-50 miles more south at 12z
  5. No golf at Pendleton in Ladysmith Saturday haha! Great course!
  6. Nam came a little south 12z. And actually getting closer to its range haha.
  7. Long range weeklies have been awful in the winter for the past 6 years. I’m not trying to start a big disco but why is that part of weather science going backwards seemingly?
  8. Remember NAM beat lead time isn’t until at least 24 hours from now. It’s a crap shoot before that.
  9. But Euro does show 1/2 inch qpf falling in like 3 hours overnight. Could be 3-4” with those rates if it plays out like this particular run.
  10. Daggone-you must be an unknown cousin or something haha. But I bet they didn’t send you to school w peanut butter and LETTUCE on white! lol!
  11. Yes, not like this but 12/9/18 definitely overperformed. I’m pretty sure the forecasted snowfall originally was 2 to 4 or 3 to 6.
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