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Everything posted by WxWatcher007

  1. I also think the GFS provided the biggest dopamine injection in years too so there’s only so much higher you can go
  2. You’d think ensembles follow the op at this point though. Euro going with a better vort interaction would really go a long way. Today at least.
  3. Just like the 00z Euro, I’d need to see more from other guidance to really see it as anything other than an outlier. For reasons posted above though the ceiling is pretty high, even if it doesn’t quite work out in the end.
  4. Plenty of reason for caution. You’re right about there being less wiggle room down there of course. I still like 5-10 broadly after seeing 06z stay away from that mess at 00z.
  5. I can’t see the 06z Euro yet but yeah. If after that disaster run the EPS and then the 06z GFS collapsed that’s one thing. They didn’t. So far that dry torch run looks like an outlier. We’ll see what 12z does but it’s easy to understand that a lot of backsides will be tight until the warnings are up and snow boards are covered given how historically bad it’s been here. We’ve found a multitude of ways to fail.
  6. Maybe? Problem is only the lobster in the GOM reap the benefits. It’s good for eastern SNE but not like earlier. Anyway, probably parsing too much on my end. This is the time where I’m ready to be done tracking and see production.
  7. It’s the first time since 00z on the 1st when this was a southern slider to have that kind of depiction. Maybe an outlier but we’ll see. More annoying than concerning given the general trend the last 24 hours toward a widespread warning level event.
  8. Sorry I should have actually tried to say something substantive. Euro looked like a significant step back to me, particularly for CT. Warmer and more strung out verbatim, though I don’t think it’s a reason to panic I would have liked to see the amped/organized trend continue.
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