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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. I think this is pretty important to note. Guys like musk and company pumping doge are doing it so they can inflate the price and quietly get our while it’s high. Similar to GameStop, the inexperienced investor is going to be left holding the back when the big players get out.
  2. I think people get their back up about the speculative talk because it’s just that lol. They know it’s speculative but they don’t want to hear it.
  3. Me too lol... no I’m interested
  4. Close to an inch at home, nice drink
  5. It’s pretty much anything I eat I’ve found. Doesn’t matter what it is, it sucks. I was on protonix for a while, which really helped. Insurance now doesn’t cover prescription grade reflux meds, so if I continued on it, we’re talking retail price, which is outrageous. My doctor had me for every other day, and it still worked, but eventually I just stopped because he said it would be best to just get off of it and the price was high. I got a second opinion on the potential negatives of using that particular med long term, as that seems to be part of the reason it’s not longer covered, and I was basically told any negatives are pretty much voodoo. Nothing that can be definitively linked to long term use.
  6. I always ate dinner at like 7 or 8. I have horrific GERD though, and have been eating earlier for a while, which helps.
  7. All bark no bite with that radar. Barely a drop
  8. Staining my deck... used 5 gallons... had to order another 5 gallon pail.
  9. Should have been 61... no idea why that wasn’t an and 1 at the end.
  10. Second shot last night... woke up with a 100 fever and body aches... fever is gone but body aches remain.
  11. Yeah... part of the problem is small businesses have become accustomed to paying such low wages, it’s how they operate and meet their margins. it’s a big picture failure. We haven’t paid people a livable wage for a long time, and now many businesses won’t/can’t provide a livable wage because their margins depend on 10/hr
  12. This is a multiple decades long problem coming to a head. Minimum wage has not followed the cost of living for like 40 years now. It should be probably double what it is now. The pandemic assistance has given folks a security blanket to balk at working for minimum wage. It’s unfortunate for small businesses, but at the same time, minimum wage should have increased a lot more in the last 30-40 years.
  13. Can’t wait for them to trade down for 8 5th round picks
  14. Not as much as virtual real estate.
  15. That made my head want to explode. Some of this stuff is ridiculous. Virtual land lol
  16. First time... and great. I honestly don’t even care at this point, I’ll swim if I have too. I’ve had like 4 outings planned this year and zero have worked out so far
  17. That was a low blow by Phin. Everyone’s gotta work. Amazon drivers make decent $$
  18. I just think it’s kind of unfair to compare the two places. There is a ton of people packed into a very small area in mass, especially eastern ma. I’m not defending mass and their approach, just saying it’s difficult to compare to very different places
  19. There would be no tolerance for the way Canada has handled this here. hasn’t there vaccine rollout been abysmal?
  20. Yeah... that caveat of crowds really toned down the actual progress the message relayed. People are counting it as a huge step forward, when in reality, it’s basically still said you need a mask when around others outdoors. Either you do or you don’t. That was a half measure yesterday
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