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Everything posted by olafminesaw

  1. RAH Is always seems to be one of the most conservative offices I've encountered. I think their current call Is a perfectly plausible outcome, but more seems likely. They're currently calling for more rain than snow, at least in their hourly, which is a bit strange.
  2. This map created midday yesterday is starting to look awfully reasonable (if a bit aggressive)
  3. For those stuck in the dry slot, could be be a pretty frustrating event, looks promising to start, get a dusting, then hours of drizzle/light snow. For those at the pivot point, it could be pretty epic: a couple inches on the front end, then possibly mixing with sleet, then a couple more inches as the deform band rolls through. The triad could go either way at this point, but 1"+ is feeling pretty solid right now
  4. Hires nam is blah on the front end (outside the mountains), brings the goods on the back end.
  5. NAM a step towards the Euro, as far as having a dry slot east of the foothills (to start anyway, then it starts to fill in)
  6. The Euro definitely moves quicker and hugs the coast less than the NAM, which is one reason for the discrepancy. I think the hires NAM works as a decent middle ground (although I'd definitely think less than it depicts Is likely)
  7. GFS looks, warm, but just glad it didn't jump north. Time to start relying on hires models.
  8. Loooong range HRRR looks nice. An initial thump like this would go a long way towards dropping surface temps (even factoring in the HRRR's cold bias) may get sleetier than expected.
  9. 6z models bring the moisture but seem pretty warm
  10. I feel like the Euro likes to overdo precip in the medium range sometimes, but wowzers. Lock that puppy in
  11. If he's correct, we'll see a response in the models by 0z. May have to do with convective feedback. Definitely a storm where the hires models will be super helpful.
  12. Yeah, it seems do be drier with the initial surge of moisture, but then the low kinda backs in towards the coast, allowing moisture to back-build. Could be good for ensuring some snowfall across the board, with less WAA and more consistent banding (after a potential initial thump)
  13. RGEM looks really good for the piedmont/mountains. Slower than the rest of guidance, but pretty wet
  14. I'm not liking the borderline temp profiles. Seems pretty rate dependent. But, a good chance we see some snow for some of the storm at least, but has that miller-B screw-job kind of look, where the moisture dries up and the cold air never really gets established. Chance of an inch in Greensboro: 50%
  15. Yeah, not too thrilled about a thread the needle setup at the front end of a pattern change. And yet, the best chance of the year. Mountains and central VA, a different story though.
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