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Everything posted by fz583

  1. Holy smokes! I fished Quabbin yesterday for 8.5 hours, first time, between the two of us we got 3 smallies all on spinnerbaits, threw jigs, jerkbaits, senko's, biggest about 2.5 lbs. Was tough fishing yesterday but still fun. Congrats.
  2. 1.83" in Hopkinton on the Davis.
  3. 1.35" so far in Hopkinton Ma. since Monday. 4.14" for October.
  4. Nice trout, what did ya catch it on?
  5. Supposed to go to a graduation at Gillette Stadium today for 5:30, I'm hoping it is cancelled for the storm threat, actually I was hoping it be cancelled before I knew a chance of storms!
  6. Been following this storm string for what feels like days, on the fence whether to go to Caribou on Sunday for the week or not, its a $265 covid test gamble. I need to sled!!! I was able to schedule a free test thankfully, So I think I'll be headed north, free tests are harder to get than you'd think.
  7. How's the county looking for this weekend for new snow? Caribou north? Asking for a friend. Thanks
  8. God no, when your on Rt.1 you better be paying close attention to the speed limits, but yes once on 95 you can boogie, I keep my sled in the bed of my truck, no trailer and I have air bags so I don't even know its in there, and my good time was also the result of only one quick bathroom stop and fuel top off.
  9. Just drove from Caribou to Hopkinton Ma, 440 miles, 6H22M, 75-85mph the whole way, may be a new record for me, I’ve done the trip at least 80 times. Rare to get sunny and dry road conditions the whole way.
  10. Thank you, looks like a good trip ahead.
  11. Hows Houlten Maine north look for this one? Headed up to Caribou Saturday morning for a 4 day sledding bender. Thanks for the reply's.
  12. 22 in Hopkinton, was 31.5 at 5:54am
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