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Everything posted by Iceagewhereartthou

  1. Wow. I'm jealous! 4.55 in of rain storm total. 8.3 for the month, over 52 for the year. Just dipped below 50 here at 49.5 after a high of 74.9.
  2. Line of storms VERY underwhelming IMBY. Few minutes of heavy rain, no thunder. Now just drizzle on the radar. Be glad for the clearing and cooler temps!
  3. Up to 86 CAE and Midlands, setting the stage for severe later? Got as high as 75 here. GA seeing spread of temps from 50 to 90 currently.
  4. Looks like with the speed of this thing, the upstate wil be clear in time for trick or treating, but many neighborhoods and places have already moved it until tomorow evening regardless.
  5. Can't wait for this front to get here, currently 71, while its 30s in NW MS. Unfortunately, it looks like it's going to lose a lot of punch for areas east of apps, not nearly as cold of a forecast for this side.
  6. Get well Big Frosty; you gotta get into snow shoveling shape before long!
  7. 4.26 in total so far with more on the way! Make it stop!
  8. Already 1.2 inches in the bucket and still have 36 hours to go. Maybe the wettest 2 year period I can ever remember.
  9. -35 in Utah! Most of us can't even get down to +35. Just goes to show how wimpy our "cold fronts" are, especially east of the Apps.
  10. Would be nice but I honestly can't buy it, I think I've become a complete cynic when it comes to cold around here. I think this winter will end up a repeat of last year without the early Dec storm. We've been above average for so long it doesn't seem like there's any pattern that can deliver below normal for more than a random day or two.
  11. Mine too. Feels DISGUSTING outside, 69.6 outside at 11:00 at night in late October, and muggy as it gets. Got up to 73 in the house and had to turn it back on. YUCK!! Guess October is now a Summer month too now.
  12. Another tropical morning with another well above normal week incoming!
  13. Wow. Fall is killing it here! All the way down to 61 for a low, 66 when I got up with a warm muggy feel.
  14. Come now, you know Mother Nature can't compete with those kinds of unrealistic fantasy images!
  15. High of just 53 today. Over 2 in of rain today so far. Also had an inch last week. Already tired of the rain again!
  16. 38.8 and 39 here the past two mornings. Quite nice! GSP only got down to 46 and 45, one of the warmest spots anywhere around. Had to turn my heat on this evening, down to 62 in the house. Was hoping to save on power bill awhile, a/c has only been off about 12 days.
  17. Seems like they're just betting the streak here. The upper midwest/ northern rockies have been consistently below normal, with the rest of the country being above for the past couple of years now. Not only is this forecast not anything ground breaking, it doesn't seem like it would have taken too much thought or forecasting talent. "Hey, how are we going to draw our map this year?" "Let's just go with what's been happening over the past couple of years and call it a day." 60 seconds later: "Here you go boss." And my guess is this will be spot on.
  18. Busting low here with overcast. 65.1 at 1:30. Only .03 of rain.
  19. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VI6dsMeABpU
  20. Assuming CAE has seen its last 90 degree day, it reached that number 108 times this year. That's a lot, but not one of its highest. However, an impressive 50 days reached 95 or higher (with a lot of 94s in there too). 9 days reached 100 or higher, which is modest for CAE but a number of close calls as well.
  21. I'm going to say that GSP is done with 90 degree days (but there's certainly no guarantee). So this year there were 81 days that reached 90 or higher making it the third highest total on record behind 88 days in 2011 and 84 in 1954. An astounding 27 of those came in Sept and Oct (and 8 in May). A very painful 18 of those days were 95 or higher with 98 being the highest, set yesterday.
  22. So I've heard tale of this weather phenomenon that makes you have to put on a bunch of thick clothes so you don't shiver. No sweating and I think thermometers read, like below 50 or something. Anyone know what that is or what would cause it to happen?
  23. Ouch. Boy Macon may have supplanted Columbia as the heat capital of the South with that run.
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